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House wrapped.



An update, spent Autumn fixing the Pavatherm 40mm Combi to all the external walls, about 240sqm and fitting membrane and battens. Then inside fitting Rockwool flexi 140mm in the walls and 70mm behind the rafters. Very easy to cut and minimal wastage. Another 150 rolls to arrive. Fixed timber horizontals to the walls for another 70mm insulation, planning on running the 75mm MVHR around the walls and roof once I have finished the internals walls before fitting another 200mm in the roof and 50mm on the walls.

70 sheets of 150mm Celotex (25% price hike) arrived for the  ground floor, ordered 340sqm of Colorcoat Urban roof which should be ready for collection in January and finally ordered windows and doors, probably March arrival. 

Happy New Year all, thanks for the advice.





IMG_9302 (1).BH.jpg


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Good choice on the chop saw :) Is that the shadow line like my one ?

I should say something about insulation, but it's amazing at what just one pint can do :D 

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How did you fix the pavatherm. I would have expected lots of those big plastic screw things.


Also what are you doing to give the frame racking strength. I don't see anything yet

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42 minutes ago, pocster said:

Looks great !

may I ask why Rockwool in the walls and not celotex ?

just wondering ? Any advantage???

 I have 270mm in the roof and 260mm in the walls so cost was a factor, breathable and the batts fit really well, easy to fit and no gaps if applied well, could not afford Sheep's wool Also a very dense product. Not a fan of Celotex unless its under a screed. Think I have a U Value of 0.14 in roof and walls and 0.11 in the floor. TBC.

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41 minutes ago, Nickfromwales said:

Good choice on the chop saw :) Is that the shadow line like my one ?

I should say something about insulation, but it's amazing at what just one pint can do :D 

It is the DWS780,  has been brilliant though a little weighty.

Have another pint and tell us more...... 

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9 minutes ago, ProDave said:

How did you fix the pavatherm. I would have expected lots of those big plastic screw things.


Also what are you doing to give the frame racking strength. I don't see anything yet

I fixed the Pavatherm with some galvanised nails, the vertical battens hold it in place through the Pavatherm into the timber frame.

After the insulation is finished I will fit OSB to all walls and roof for racking strength then batten and plasterboard.

Lots to do.

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28 minutes ago, JamesP said:

It is the DWS780,  has been brilliant though a little weighty.

Have another pint and tell us more...... 

Same as mine. ?  You've passed the test. Tis a tad heavy, but cutting 6" skirting standing up makes life so much easier. Troughing / rebating guide is super handy too. 


Now, something about insulation, for balance ;)..............

37 minutes ago, JamesP said:

Not a fan of Celotex unless its under a screed

I didn't know you had to like insulation to choose it :D If it's better at keeping the heat in, would that not be a deciding factor :S?

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