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Slate Options


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As the regulars here will recall my Planning Approval calls for the use of a locally supplied slate, which on the face of it is very expensive. so to move things forward I've got a couple of quotes for the roof.  The area involved is 245m2, at a pitch of 37 degrees and the location is listed as severe exposure. The planning approval calls for random width and diminishing course.


The first quote, for Birlington Quarry, Blue/Grey, Strongs, from a local quarry, is £17,925.


I asked for a cheaper alternative and a Spanish slate was suggested,


Kentdale slate, same blue/grey colour as above, 7mm thick, £10,680.


Technical details:-


Burlington - https://www.slate.uk.com/app/uploads/Burlington-Blue-Grey-EN-12326-1-2004-test-results-UKS1.pdf


Kentdale - https://www.slate.uk.com/app/uploads/Kentdale-Blue-Grey-EN-12326-1-2004-test-results-UKS-REF12.04.16.pdf


Has anyone got any experience of using Spanish slate,  what's the quality like? Which product did you use and who was the supplier.

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What about cupa heavy 3 , a good heavy slate, we were all set to use this after researching all the different Spanish slate it came out best, our problem was the roofer came in the build package and had not priced for slate which has to be sorted into different thicknesses so was going to cost us extra for fitting.

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The local supplier suggested the Spanish slates, as they're the ones the majority of local new build companies are currently using, consequently, the local Planner is familiar with them.


Looking at the Cupa3 Heavy, they look very similar in appearance and thickness to the Spanish Kentdale slates.


Looking at the technical details they both come from the same region of Spain, 12km apart.



Edited by Triassic
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I am sure that I read on this or another forum that planners were not allowed to specify where a slate came from, just the colour. Someone got a slate he liked (and could afford) and was similar in colour to the local quarry (that the planners wanted used) and pencilled on the back the name of that quarry, sent it to the planners as a sample and they passed it!.  Worth a thought.

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