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Weeds, weeds, tall waterside weeds

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I noticed some tall, quick growing weeds by the stream at the bottom of my garden encroaching into my garden and was struck with fear... On closer inspection I don't think they are you know what, J****ese K***weed.

They do have a green hollow stem, leaves are thinner and longer than typical JK leaves and above ground they are just green in color, possibly even with pink flowers. Except at the base in the ground which is red and has little red nodules coming off the main stem.

I tried googling and have not come up with any suggestions. Any ideas? I know, I know, I should have taken a photo.

This scare has motivated me to also deal with horse tail problem I have at the front of the house.

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23 minutes ago, PeterW said:

Just be very careful they are not giant hogweed or similar as that causes burns to the skin. 


More likely to be wild angelica, fits your description well

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http://www.npms.org.uk/sites/www.npms.org.uk/files/PDF/NPMS ID GUIDE_WEB_0.pdf



Nothing like that, we've got a few of that/cow parsley/giant hogwart in the main part of the garden

I don't think even those are giant hogwart to be honest.

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My BiL can attest to the pain of burns off of cut plant stems. He was asked to cut a neighbours 8 acre field for "somewhere for the kids to play in". He walked it  before cutting with a tractor towed mower. Unbeknown to anyone there were some concrete slabs which he duly ran over damaging the blades. He BRIEFLY lay down on the cut field to look underneath at the damage then went home to fix it. His whole right arm and side of his face blistered like something from a horror film. Wild Parsnip in this case we think.


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Rosebay Willowherb? Also know as fireweed. We had a patch last year which we did nothing much about and now this year they are eveywhere and spreadin up our lane. I've been chopping them when possible.




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Having checked it out again definitely about 5m of Himalayan balsam along the bank. A load has gone in the garden bin which I shouldn't have done with JK.


and one of my ducks in the background 




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