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It’s been a long 12 yrs 🤣


I use to frequent ebuild ( I think that’s what it was called ) even before my build commenced . When that disappeared I did worry ! . But found the resurrection in buildhub .

I knew I couldn’t do the build on my own . 
A non standard design with no help .

I assumed ( incorrectly ) bco would be on my back with a self build and ‘help’ me … the opposite occurred .

Everything in life I do on my own ( no rude jokes ) ; I can learn what I need to get the job done ( this does not make me an expert ! ) .

Buildhub has been invaluable - I built a house via the internet . I think that’s (expletive deleted)ing amazing tbh !

So for all the noobs with no experience etc I do have advice !


You are either cash rich and time poor or the opposite.

Cash rich you can pay others to accelerate your build .

Time rich you do it yourself .

As I am self employed and didn’t have the cash ( no (expletive deleted)er is going to give me a self build mortgage ) then time is my friend .

Remove stress points . A self build mortgage will put you under massive pressure - to release the next payment .

Don’t rent temporarily when you can buy . 
To partially fund our build we sold our house and bought a shitty flat . This took any rental issues off the table and equity appreciation allowed the crap flat to add to the finance of the build once sold .

We then lived on site - a cash saving for sure at the expense of ‘normality ‘ .

By not being tied to a loan nor tied to time I (expletive deleted)ed about for a decade and got it done .

Stress existed - but it was rare .


This is the way !


I still have a hundred bits to fanny around with . Remove pressure , remove stress . Appreciate everyone’s in a different situation . But don’t let the build destroy you . It’s a bitch and you are the master ( bit of bdsm there for my followers ) .


Ask for help on the forum always . (expletive deleted) things up - so what ! . Waste 1000’s on a balls up - so what . Haven’t got a clue ? - so what .


Plan a strategy! 


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22 hours ago, joe90 said:

we hold our hands up to you and what you have achieved

We’ll done,


Ummmm, is it polite to ask what it is that you’ve created?


I’ll show you mine if you show me yours…. (but bear in mind you’ll be waiting a long time to see mine!)

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we are the new pocster, no loans, just my income and hubby doing the real work, bit by bit.  
We are already 3 yrs in, but did faff for the first two of those, even so, doing it on your own is very very very very slow and you do make mistakes, which take time and cost money
We know that hubby could have worked and got more help, but he is such a perfectionist that he doesn't trust anyone else to do it, and it keeps him busy 🙂

Well done pocster for getting yours done, I just hope we get there some day so we can enjoy our retirement.


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1 hour ago, LSB said:

we are the new pocster, no loans, just my income and hubby doing the real work, bit by bit.  
We are already 3 yrs in, but did faff for the first two of those, even so, doing it on your own is very very very very slow and you do make mistakes, which take time and cost money
We know that hubby could have worked and got more help, but he is such a perfectionist that he doesn't trust anyone else to do it, and it keeps him busy 🙂

Well done pocster for getting yours done, I just hope we get there some day so we can enjoy our retirement.


I’m a perfectionist also ( not ) . You’re only 3 yrs in - that’s toddler stage . Go another 9 and you’ll be up with me 👍

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