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Dim down lights


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I've got the up and downlights in the lounge wired up. When I fitted the fittings in second fix I absent mindedly connected up the neutrals together, and the lives and left the earths. 


Now each light is very dim and and I'm starting to wonder if the switching actually goes to each lamp and there for I should have used the earths but sheathed as Com. 


Does anyone have a view on my muppetry?  in a normal wall light with twin and earth how should they be connected? 

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Need more information.


Leaving the earth disconnected should not stop a light fitting working, but may make it unsafe so go back and connect those earths.


You can NOT use an earth core for anything else don't even think about it.

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I’ll correct myself, there is an earth in there and I have connected it. 


I assumed that we had a cable in and a cable out. Hence connecting the lives to lives and neutrals to neutrals. 


If you put 12v on mains g9 will it light? I wonder if someone has inadvertently added a 12v adapter in the circuit. 

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Sounds like a series connection somewhere - I guess the internal circuitry will facilitate this if its a rectifier not sure how a straight capacitive coupled LED will work if connected in series.

Edited by MikeSharp01
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As a useful tip to help prevent phantom lamp glowing when off with some low power lights, make sure that the earth conductors are connected at one end, even if the light fitting itself is double insulated and does not require an earth.  Having the earth conductor in the cable actually earthed helps to remove induced current in circuits that are turned off, and can stop the phantom glow that some LEDs, in particular, are prone to.

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More for flickering than dimming issues but worth noting: If there's two way or intermediate switching involved you can try swapping the strappers and common around in the 3-core + earth, this to vary the (stray) capacitance in the cable. Just make sure you do the same both ends! 


Snubbers sometimes help too.



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Bit more information, all the bulbs show full brightness in another lamp.  Each one can be pulled individually and the others remain lit (suggesting they are not in series) . 

Had a hunt in the loft to see if we had inadvertantly wired in a 12v driver - not present... 


Therefore the challenge must be before the first light in the circuit, time to get the multimeter out. 

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