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Sealing Grout?

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Hi All


I am in the process of having my ground floor completely tiled


Once tiled I was planning on installing the hard surface protector all over - to protect from paint/dirt etc.. https://www.screwfix.com/p/fortress-trade-hard-surface-protector-roll-500mm-x-25m/136FM?kpid=136FM&cm_mmc=Google-_-Datafeed-_-Decorating?kpid=KINASEKPID&cm_mmc=Google-_-TOKEN1-_-TOKEN2&ds_rl=1243321&ds_rl=1247848&ds_rl=1241687&gad_source=1&ds_rl=1247848&ds_rl=1245250&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIte-yt7rNgwMVTk1BAh1NnQCgEAQYAiABEgJV-vD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


Then in high traffic areas I was going to put correx/3mm hardboard down


Would it be worth jusst putting correx down all over and not bother with the 'cling film' type?


But my main question - I was looking to seal the grout after installation, when would be the best time to do this? Is it worth doing? And any products anyone can recommend?


Apologies for all the questions but thanks in advance for any help people may be able to give


Many Thanks

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Do not use the cling film stuff, I have seen too many posts of it not coming up well if left too long. 

Plastic antinox boards everywhere all taped together, then hardboard sheets in high traffic or work areas. 

I managed to buy 20 sheets of hardboard on Facebook from a contractor who needed to protect a sports hall floor. image.thumb.jpg.ec3bf7790fe5e2fd45bd6ece784f5135.jpg

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8 minutes ago, Russell griffiths said:

Do not use the cling film stuff, I have seen too many posts of it not coming up well if left too long. 

Plastic antinox boards everywhere all taped together, then hardboard sheets in high traffic or work areas. 

I managed to buy 20 sheets of hardboard on Facebook from a contractor who needed to protect a sports hall floor. 

Thank you @Russell griffiths I will do this


Is it worth doing this after the ground floor skirtings have been installed? or just leave a gap for the skirting?


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I butted tight to the walls with the black plastic stuff, then cut it back room by room to fit skirting and so on, as things have progressed. 

The black plastic is 100% useless for stopping dropped chisels and things, it is only good for spills and plaster splashes and stuff, definitely need timber boards if anybody working from steps and towers, a dropped claw hammer will make you have a heart attack.   

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As @Russell griffithssaid do not use cling film stuff,  I spent about 5 hours 1 evening until 11pm getting up about 1.5sq/m before the customers furniture turned up the next day for them to move in. 


Antinox and tape to edges cut back for skirting, it will not stop damage from dropping sharp or heavy things, do not cut anything on it either as is no protection to a knife. Hardboard is a good idea

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I would seal the grout as soon as possible and consider more coats than the minimum recommended. I've used a few different makes and they all seem much the same. Some are possibly slightly more matt than others? Will need ventilation.

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