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DIY Driveway Gate Design


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Struggling to get a gate we like at a sensible price. As suggested on a previous thread, I'm making my own.


Keeping it quite basic, 4m clear opening, each leaf 1.5m tall, metal frame, hardwood panel infill:






Some questions:


Metal frame: assuming 50x50x3mm SHS OK for the job? Planning on using L shaped angle to fix the wood panels to. I'm OK at welding...

Hinges: Any recommendations?

Latch / Lock. I'm getting an opening kit. What kind of latch/lock do I need (if any?)

Wood: Thinking 150x25mm hardwood planks for longevity. We'll be painting/staining. Do I need T&G panels, butt, biscuit join? Don't want cracking/splitting. 

Anything else to consider?






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Can you get it galv at reasonable cost?  If they are hinged be aware that a strong wind will be an issue so timber infill is not ideal.   If they are automatic you obvs need power and cabling.  A friend does these and likes FAAC.  Videx for the intercom.  Be very aware of safety requirements so nobody can get crushed between or behind them.

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