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Commissioning UFH floor before tiling


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Hi all


I have an ASHP with UFH in 50mm anhydrite screed. I can currently control the water temp of the UFH by the controller on the ASHP, I haven’t had it higher than 25 degrees but my tiler is starting on the 2nd Jan and I am now concerned I haven’t commissioned the floor properly prior to tiling. 

What temperature should I take the floor upto? And how long should I leave it there? What is highest temperature UFH on ASHP runs at? Is it 35 degrees?


Just hoping I haven’t left it too late 


Any comments or advice welcome


Many Thanks 

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You’ve loads of time I normally tell people to get the temp up to 30 

Just make sure each area that he tiles is cold 


Most of the commercial tiling I do haven’t had the heating on at all Often months after I’ve finished 

Edited by nod
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4 hours ago, nod said:

You’ve loads of time I normally tell people to get the temp up to 30 

Just make sure each area that he tiles is cold 


Most of the commercial tiling I do haven’t had the heating on at all Often months after I’ve finished 

we never turned on the ufh on our cement based screed that was poured in May and the tiles were laid in August. (we still haven't turned it on yet as the corex is still down). we have a decoupling mat. I presume that having never turned the ufh on is not a problem as the screed has 3 months of summer to dry out? 🤞

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5 hours ago, nod said:

You’ve loads of time I normally tell people to get the temp up to 30 

Just make sure each area that he tiles is cold 


Most of the commercial tiling I do haven’t had the heating on at all Often months after I’ve finished 

Thanks - I am guessing the water temperature up to 30 and not the room temp!?


For info the tiler is installing an anti-fracture matting and we are having expansion joints on the thresholds when rooms are on different heating loops


I will get the temperature up and then turn off at least 48 hours before tiling


Many Thanks

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2 hours ago, nod said:

To be fair UFH doesn’t get that hot 

Expansion in every doorway and break any 8 meter runs is a must 15 mil around the perimeter is a must 

Have kore slab, do I need to cut expansion gaps in every doorway if so how deep a cut?

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I also have another question relating to preparing the floor, as the company who did my screed floor protected the oak front and there is a large ish gap from the edge of the screed to the floor ( see pictures) 


what is the best way to fill this gap? It’s about an inch deep and think it will need  like a lining to hold in the gap filler/levelling compound otherwise it will  run away I think.


apologies for the poor description in my problem but hopefully the pictures help!


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