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Question re garage floor paint


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I've been given some QAD garage floor paint. Our garage has a concrete floor that has had some levelling applied. It'd been over a month and I want to paint it.


Should I mix the QAD paint with some white spirit for a first initial thin coat? Had planned to do this today but I'm getting mixed messages on whether I should thin down the first coat (dad says yes, stepdad says no)!

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Does QAD have a tech support line? They usually do!


Is it water based?


I would expect to thin the first coat down a bit.


I am using a 2 pack epoxy paint for our garage when I get it tidied up. Never had an issue of warm tyres peeling it up like normal single pack paint.


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Have you got a close up of the label? The tin looks pretty ropey.


If you intend to park your car in the garage, I would buy some proper decent stuff.


Once you've put paint down, if it does lift you're in a world of headaches!!

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I had some garage floor paint that was 6 years old and despite stirring lots it had lumps and didn’t leave a decent surface (tried on a small area) I binned it and bought some new stuff, glad I did. Give it a try on a small area.(no I didn’t thin it and gave it two coats),.

Edited by joe90
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2 hours ago, canalsiderenovation said:

dad says yes, stepdad says no)!

And the instructions say what?


I'm a fan of single part floor paint. Even in heavily trafficked areas it wears well ,   and just needs a touch-up occasionally.

Never had complaints from commercial garages or earehpuse clients, but they loved the saving and the diy maintenance. 

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