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This is not news to most of us on here

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It’s a sad state of affairs for sure. My experience of our kit build self-build has been similar up until the point I took it over. Sadly too few people care enough about what they are doing. I have used some excellent trades but even there I’ve had to be on top of it to make sure it was either done right or the way I wanted it. 

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Quite a good article. I started thinking it was a bit naive and promoting the surveyor but, no it is a necessary intro.

I agree with most key points made.


Esp why improvement are not legislated for....it's the big donations.


Btw I didn't  see any sign of the house builders adopting Latham's important  report. Construction in other areas did.

But then, the big names house developers deny being builders, and the faults are always blamed on someone else. 




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It’s amazing what a difference in finish and quality between homes 

I work on quite a few sites throughout the NW 

The very best homes are still for the rented market (Housing associations)

Every detail is checked and photographed 

They still have the old fashioned Clark of Works Sometimes three Totally independent of each other 

One I’m doing at the moment had the joiners remove all screws from wall straps As they had used 30 mil screws instead of 50s shown on the bill of quantities 

Ive not come off unscathed Plasboard screws no closer than 10 to the edge No further than 20 

mans the lengths taken to make sure airtightness is achieved Can  be trying 


Im starting to tile the GF of a house that’s up for 1.4 million 

The floor hasn’t been heated yet 

The traditional screed has been down for three weeks 

You can’t reason with them Everything is driven by sales 

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