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P'Permission, Building Control, Freedom Of Information Requests


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I've all the conditions for my self build house  completed now & I'm ready to start. But before getting here, I had to save a wall from collapsing  & some other things. I've had some one inform Building Control incorrectly, 3 times that I have stated the project.

I would like to find out for certain who is doing this, as in the future I'm sure this false reporting will continue.

This is along with my car being damaged, car tires slashed & other things.

I've made a police complaint against a neighbour for racial harassment, would the council give all info they hold with a F'O' Information request? thanks

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something about building brings out the hate in people. 


Just ignore them, BCO certianly will. They have seen it all before nimby neighbours moaning about every little thing, noise, deliveries, etc etc


you have to develop a thick skin and just be polite and firm to the moaners. get a body cam if it gets really bad so you can capture evidence.

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As if it wasn't hard enough to get all this stuff moving. You have our sympathies.


Sometimes par for the course it seems.


Maybe a polite round robin letter to the local neighbours informing them of progress etc but also mentioning the damage and asking them to contact you directly if they have any problems. There's nothing like bright light to make little buggy things crawl back under their stone.


I have one neighbour who's already tried a couple of tricks and we have not even finished planning yet.

Edited by Alan Ambrose
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1 hour ago, PXR5 said:

..., would the council give all info they hold with a F'O' Information request? thanks


They might. The wording of the FO request needs to be carefully considered.  A thick skin is cheaper and less effort. 8 years in to our build and the guy a couple of doors down still holds on to the anger he expresses at me not selling him the plot on which we built Salamander Cottage. 

Last week, by accident, he waved as he drove past the build.  Nearly had a quick Scotch on the basis of a scintilla of recognition after 8 years.

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I would get hold of a cheap wildlife cam, and get your car covered by that. If you catch them, pass it on to the police. As far as neighbours complaining, i wrote to the council via my solicitor advising them that, as they had found out all the calls were false. If they continued to contact me without doing due diligence first, they would be in court for harassment, causing stress, and wasting  my time. Not heard from the council since.

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5 hours ago, PXR5 said:

I've all the conditions for my self build house  completed now & I'm ready to start. But before getting here, I had to save a wall from collapsing  & some other things. I've had some one inform Building Control incorrectly, 3 times that I have stated the project.


Make sure you have claimed the CIL exemption if that's a thing in your area. That's the only thing that "starting" can really mess up for you.


Keep the BCO happy with a letter apologising and explaining that you are aware someone is trying to stir up trouble but that you fully intend to submit a Building Control Application and will obviously be seeking his approval in the normal way before starting the development. 


BCO have some discretionary powers to bend the rules (Approved Documents) if you make a mistake but are more likely to do this if you have been making an effort to comply and help make his job easier. For example we discovered an issue with the opening width of a window. BCO said he would allow it if we uprated the door on that room. It would have cost a fortune to replace the window due to some oak framing.

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Yep, CIL in place & confirmed, & I've written to BCO "cap in hand" to explain the situation & to apologize for anything that I've failed to get right.

A bit of humble pie goes a long way..................

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've just found out that the head of the parish council has been very busy, I've seen some emails from the parish council members, he has been twisting conversations Ive had with him, in fact you could say out right lies in an attempt to cause me problems..

Strange as I've never had any conflict with him, Its a safe bet that he informed the Building Control on the last occasion.


I was going to ask to speak at the  next PC meeting, to lodge a complaint but  the Chairman is the only one that can grant permission for some one to speak.

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15 minutes ago, PXR5 said:

I've just found out that the head of the parish council has been very busy, I've seen some emails from the parish council members, he has been twisting conversations Ive had with him, in fact you could say out right lies in an attempt to cause me problems..

Strange as I've never had any conflict with him, Its a safe bet that he informed the Building Control on the last occasion.


I was going to ask to speak at the  next PC meeting, to lodge a complaint but  the Chairman is the only one that can grant permission for some one to speak.


dont give them the satisfaction. PC have zero power when it comes to planning. Just ignore the moron and dont respond to them. It only gives them ammunition.


Next time you see him in passing just laugh at him and carry on walking.

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1 hour ago, PXR5 said:

I've just found out that the head of the parish council has been very busy, I've seen some emails from the parish council members, he has been twisting conversations Ive had with him, in fact you could say out right lies in an attempt to cause me problems..

Strange as I've never had any conflict with him, Its a safe bet that he informed the Building Control on the last occasion.


I was going to ask to speak at the  next PC meeting, to lodge a complaint but  the Chairman is the only one that can grant permission for some one to speak.

any member of the public can talk at a PC meeting, there has to be an agenda item of 'comments from the public', you do not need to be invited they are public meetings available to anyone.

I'm on our PC so have experience of public coming to talk, can be a right pain to be honest, but it's your right and what you say must be minuted.


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