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On 08/03/2025 at 14:15, Adsibob said:

Quotes I’m getting for installation of an insurance approved alarm are crazy. Cheapest quote I’ve got is £1250 installation plus £30 a month for monitoring. Some quotes are twice or even 2.5 times that.


 There is only a £200 a year saving on insurance on getting an insurance approved alarm. Some insurance comparison websites even quote more if you have an alarm - very odd.

You will have to prove it's serviced anually as well.



16 hours ago, Nickfromwales said:


The fact that our prisons are better than Butlins



M6 North bound : Lancaster, just short of Lancaster North junction (34), 21:00 and later any day on a warm evening ..... The Prison staff are mostly at home


You can hear from the Northbound carriageway,  the inmates - many of them , not just one or two -  banging on the windows with metal plates, screaming, crying  - over the motorway noise.  Riding my bike home on the track next to the prison after a late teaching session : I never got used to the noise - and won't forget it either. No Butlins methinks.

13 minutes ago, ToughButterCup said:

No Butlins methinks

I lived a few hundred metres from Aylesbury Prison in the 1980s.  IRA terrorists were kept there.

Now it is a higher security places for lifers, but the younger ones (under 21 I think).

Horrible place.


Personally, I think introducing a little public shame back into society might work wonders - bring back the stocks and televise the rotten tomato throwing.


There is so much open lawlessness on the streets we could never throw enough people in prison to curb it.


There are gangs marauding pavements on stolen mopeds and people openly shooting up on the bench outside our local police training station.  As the police pull out in their vehicles they deliberately look the other way.


The decline in morals and public order is shocking.  The increasing apathy in policing is even more so.




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