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I am planning to put a site office type portable unit at the side of a house just behind the line of the principal elevation, with a sheltering fence in front, within 1.2m of the boundary.


I can rely upon the portability aspect if anyone complains and the council tries to enforce etc, butor could apply for planning. BUt I would be more comfortable being under the 2.5m height where PP is not required, to kill even the possibility of any challenges and remain Permitted Development.


So... can anyone point me to portable buildings under 2.5m overall height from the ground. 


An alternative is to get a slightest higher one and put the legs in small holes, but Inwould prefer a lower one.


The unit will be site official type with at least insulation and power, and perhaps windows in place. If I can get a sink unit already Ina swell that would be best. IF anyone has one I am in Notts/Derbys.





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I thought 2.5 metres only applied if it goes right up to the boundary. If it's 1 metre or more away then the height is 3 metres eaves height.  Even my static caravan just squeaks in under that (I left exactly 1 metre between the 'van and the boundary fence)

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2 hours ago, ProDave said:

I thought 2.5 metres only applied if it goes right up to the boundary. If it's 1 metre or more away then the height is 3 metres eaves height.  Even my static caravan just squeaks in under that (I left exactly 1 metre between the 'van and the boundary fence)


Is there a limit on ridge height?

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2 hours ago, PeterW said:

2.5m is over 8ft so most containers would be fine. How big do you need it as I know someone who has a place at Huthwaite


I am after ideally 8x10 or 8x12 but 9 x y would be OK and possibly up to x x 16.


Saw one done out as a dance studio in Mansfield on eBay at 8x16 with a laminated floor and disco lights and mirrors. That would be fun.



Edited by Ferdinand
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