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ASHP Location Thoughts


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In my current design I have two smallish (1m) paths next to both sides of my house. Inserting an ASHP unit on the floor of that walkway will make passing it quite awkward.

Instead, I was debating how problematic it is lift the device 'up in the air'. I imagine attaching a 150kg device to a wall it will put a strain and maybe the wall needs to be reinforced? (does it? is 150kg okay?)


I was thinking effectively putting it on a bridge. 


My absolutely terrible drawing:



This would 50%, or with a 2nd pair of legs, 100% offload the wall.


But, walking below it, would that be acceptable? Safe? 

I imagine that as long as the 'bridge' is below 2.5m there is no planning permission needed.


Bad idea? Good idea?


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Unistrut is ideal for this, so wouldn’t think it would be a problem.


maybe require a 45deg cantilever from the wall unistrut to the underside of the horizontal unistrut  instead of a bridge


use the best wall anchors possible!


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What is the other side of the 1M walkway?


If it is your boundary with a neighbour then I think he would be very displeased with you mounting it up high above head height blowing cold air over his fence and subjecting him to the noise from it.


The only other issue is if you walk under it just as it is defrosting you might get dripped on.

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15 minutes ago, ProDave said:

What is the other side of the 1M walkway?


If it is your boundary with a neighbour then I think he would be very displeased with you mounting it up high above head height blowing cold air over his fence and subjecting him to the noise from it.


The only other issue is if you walk under it just as it is defrosting you might get dripped on.

Here's an approximation. The walkway as pictured is 1m, there's a 2m hedge, then another walkway on my neighbour's property, then a garage, then a 2nd floor wall.


If I were the neighbour, in the current situation, I doubt I would care. The outdoor unit would perhaps fill the 2000-2500 height layer, which might almost be invisible from his walkway.. but I suppose if he/she wanted to remove the garage and put... I dunno a swimming pool there then the ASHP noise might be annoying?



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During the summer if the neighbours is in the room above the garage he will see your ASHP and hear it if his window was open, assuming it would sit above the height of the hedge.  I would just check with him beforehand.  Would also check with ASHP manufacturer that having it raised wouldn’t invalidate warranties or prevent servicing etc.  

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5 hours ago, Bozza said:

During the summer if the neighbours is in the room above the garage he will see your ASHP and hear it if his window was open, assuming it would sit above the height of the hedge.


The particular (and only) window on that wall is a laundy room. I suppose that they might care for potential changes/development but currently, nah.


5 hours ago, Bozza said:

 I would just check with him beforehand.  

Yes, planning to


5 hours ago, Bozza said:

Would also check with ASHP manufacturer that having it raised wouldn’t invalidate warranties or prevent servicing etc.  


Worth calling out, I'll take a look.



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