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electricity pole and cable


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Hello everyone 

Have just recently come across this great site. ?. Invaluable information for all newbies.

We have a building plot that we have to divert the electricity poles (on our land)and cable as it goes diagonally across site to supply one neighbouring house. All the rest of houses on road have underground cables

No easement or wayleaves as far as we are aware.

Just wondering if anyone has any experience to how to keep costs down and rights as the landowners?  

Going to be addicted to this site now I’ve found it.


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As far as I’m aware, but I’m no expert only what I read on here, I don’t think you are responsible for any cost, a lot on here have offset their connection fee with the cost that the dno will incur removing their poles from your land. 

Bit of bartering and you should get what you want. 

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I have also this problem just now. I have started a conversation with Scottish power about hv lines over a plot we own. I explained the position with the first person I spoke to and asked if they had a way leave, after some weeks I had a phone call from a different person saying there was no wayleave ( which we already suspected as we have owned the land for 30 years without any payment). I explained the situation again and he said he would email me some information, this he did but it was nothing to do with what I had spoken to him about rather it was a request for us to sign a way leave! I have answered saying that I feel I haven’t been clear about what I am wanting ( either reroute or underground) and I have also pointed out the fact of how long we have owned the land without any payment from them. I have been as nice as possible to avoid any conflict right away but I suspect a long fight will entail.

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Thank you for your reply. I’m abit puzzled by wayleaves. Definitely had no payments.  Is it in our favour if there isn’t one?

I don’t know why they didn’t take poles n cable down n give that remaining one house underground cable(apart from costs) as the connection is in pavement outside their house. 
Even our new underground connection can be easily done but the costs seem sky high!

Just reading through other posts on how to reduce costs and perhaps to fight back abit.

Any suggestions and advice how to proceed are greatly appreciated.

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My stance would be "there is no wayleave, here is my notice to remove your equipment"  then start negotiating that you might just consider giving them a wayleave if you convert it to an underground cable running around the perimiter of your plot well away from where you want to build the house.

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They actually don’t need to go on our land to supply the only house with overhead cable. That house has underground cabling going down the pavement outside their house they can connect to no problem.

There is absolutely no need if they did this for the poles and cable to be on our land. It’s just they seem to want us to pay for removal and new underground connection for this remaining property with the overhead connection. This was why I was wondering because they don’t seem to have a wayleave I could perhaps negotiate or ask them to sort it as it’s their problem.



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