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Please help! Would you say this drainage stone is clean / washed?

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I've just had 5 tonnes or so of drainage stone delivered (limestone). It is supposed to be clean / washed.


It doesn't look too clean to me, but then I've never bought it before and so have nothing to compare it to. I asked the driver and he said it is definitely clean and not to worry - that's just how it comes from the quarry.


So it's over to you guys.... Here's my hand after holding a handful some for a few seconds, followed by some photos of the stone:

















What do you reckon? Any advice most appreciated.





Don't see any fines so looks pretty clean to me.


The building world has a slightly different interpretation of 'clean', 'washed' etc.


I had a load of 'type 1' delivered to bind the basement excavation and it was laid & compacted to 150mm. Was obviously just crush from a demolition (maybe even mine). Taps, pipes, wood, plastic, wires - you name it I plucked it out of the top layer and filled a wheelbarrow. God knows what was further down.


Yeh thats clean, clean doesnt mean they wash it it means that it is that size of rock with no fines in with it, it all pretty much looks a regular size


Many thanks for the replies.  That's good to hear that I got what's expected.  I think what had me worried is that I've been reading a lot about drainage and all the stuff I've read said to get clean/washed stone so that the dust etc doesn't silt up the drainage system, which I could see happening with this.  So I'll definitely give it a hose down as I go.


It has got me wondering... Is there a difference between "clean" stone and "washed" stone when bought from aggregate suppliers / quarries.  Did I ask for the wrong thing by calling it clean instead of washed?


Good looking stuff.


Gravels in particular are washed, crushed rock sometimes, sometimes not. What you have here are often described as single sized aggregates. Yes you have a bit of "dust" (in terms of sieve size when grading aggregates) but I would have no problem accepting the stuff you have in the photos for drainage.


I think you are fine, march on and enjoy your project.


Thanks Gus, much appreciated.  The whole drainage project is going to be a fair bit of money and a heck of a lot of work, which is why I want to get it right from the start.  


Yes, I'm happy with what we've got - it's just not what I expected.  But that's because I'm new to it and I think I just ended up getting mixed up between clean and washed.  


I still think I'm going to try my best to avoid limestone though; especially in its "unwashed" state like what we have.  I just don't think it's worth the risk.  There's a few more details at the end of the other thread, which I'll link to here rather than repeat:  




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