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You can still buy them. Regs are a bit vague about replacing them too as some say you can without permission as long as it’s to a leach field. 


Can’t see from that photo but could also be being used as rainwater tank as that is a common use and they are pretty easy to install. 


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Seems ever since the 2020 new rules RE septic tanks discharging to streams (no longer being allowed), septic tanks have gotten a bad rep.  Certainly here in Wales - and I think in Scotland too - a septic tank with drainage field is preferred by the powers-that-be over a sewage treatment plant with discharge to stream.  This thread isn't the first in which I've read people asking whether septic tanks are even still legal.  A properly functioning tank discharging into a properly functioning/installed drainage field is no bad thing!


Bet that was fun for the driver on those roads!

Edited by Oxbow16
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5 hours ago, Oxbow16 said:

Bet that was fun for the driver on those roads!


It was fun following him! I kept well back. Not sure if he'd have made it unscathed if EDF/UKPN hadn't recently done some tree trimming.


He's driving along the valley floor in the pics. 3 miles straight down  the road is a river. In the second pic he's taking a tight left turn (kudos to the driver) then the property is a bit up slope from the valley floor. 


I'm not 100% sure but I reckon this could be a drainage field job. There was talk on the local rumour mill years back that somebody up that way cleaned/emptied a lake, pumping the run off to a field down slope and a/some horses got ill. 


The road he's driving along is a seasonal watercourse. Before it was tarmacked it was regularly a stream with plants like watercress growing according to very elderly neighbours. Even now during heavy rain it'll revert. This is the same road outside my house a couple of hundred yards from where the above pics were taken. My property is one of the closest to the road. Beautiful place but a damp, frost pit that the Sun misses in Winter!




I imagine a certain amount of "run off"  from the upslope properties finds its way to the road. It's then all downhill to the river. Unfortunately it's common practice here for people to pump out the liquid content of their cess pools during heavy rain straight onto their gardens etc to save in emptying costs. 

Edited by Onoff
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Crikey, that's a lot of water!  This is in Kent?  


11 hours ago, Onoff said:


I imagine a certain amount of "run off"  from the upslope properties finds its way to the road. It's then all downhill to the river. Unfortunately it's common practice here for people to pump out the liquid content of their cess pools during heavy rain straight onto their gardens etc to save in emptying costs. 


Shocking and a shame to hear.  That being said, it seems the water companies pretty much have a free license to discharge raw sewage to watercourses.  So I guess they're just cutting out the middleman in a way!


PS - I guess the water does look quite brown in that photo ;)  

Edited by Oxbow16
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