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f.....ing boilers.

Big Jimbo

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What a pain. Call from my daughter this afternoon. Dad water persisting out of my boiler, all over my bathroom floor.... I go round, switch off the boiler electric supply. Shut off all the water valves, cold supply, central heating flow and return, and mop up. Take the cover off the boiler and start drying up. plate exchanger leaking. Got the same boiler sitting in my garage. Nip down and take out the plate exchanger. Drain her boiler, fitted the new exchanger. Took off her filter as it had service valves. Cleaned that. Topped up the system, and even put in some more inhibiter. Bled all the rads. Rock and roll, ready to turn the power back on. Click. Bit of start up noise......error code 01. Grabbed the book. Error code 01 is gas/ignition problem.....but i ain't touched those.....pressed the reset clear button....Boiler tries to start, fan kicks in etc, but won't fire....Error code 01 again.....So i said to the boiler "I ain't touched the bloody gas" .....hard reset (Basically hold the re-set button for 20 seconds).....same error 01 code...... So now i am going to have to get a plumber who will no doubt tell me, needs a new gas valve mate.......And i bet i dont.....Only other thing i can think is that when spraying out water some of it might have got onto the control board, although when i had a look, that did'nt seem to be the case. The joy of plumbing, and daughters....Lets see what tomorrow brings.

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Is it a ravenheat? Looked like it from the condensate trap in your other post. If so, error code 1 was low pressure causing lockout. 

Well it was in my old ravenheat boiler. 

Edited by Gav_P
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Yes it was fella. The book says error 01E ...No flame......Check the gas supply.....Ain't touched that......Check the overheat thermostat.....Not been near that.....Check the gas valve.......Ain't, and won't be going near that.......Check the spark igniter......Check the electrodes.....  I am thinking water in the control board.....I don't mind mucking with the wet side, but it's over 25 years since i was Corgi. I won't touch gas these days.......I bet the plumber says Gas valve, and i bet it ain't.

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46 minutes ago, Nickfromwales said:

It’s more than likely that water has got onto / into either the pcb or the gas valve. 
Turn off the gas at the meter and get a hair drier in the case on fast flow / medium heat for an hour or two and retry. ;)  

Thanks Nick. I'm going to give that a go.

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Boiler sorted. Hero dad. It was the spark igniter. Housed right at the top of the boiler. Full of water and obviously causing a short. Had a shake, and then got the hair drier on it for 10mins. Just goes to show that the fault code it was showing was right. The annoying thing is that it was all caused by the plate exchanger spraying water all over the place. The new plate exchanger was £87, but the agro it caused was priceless..... The boiler was put in by a good mate, and I was there. Straight in, no leaks etc. Now if you can see from the photo, the bottom of the plate exchanger is deformed.... I bet it leaked at the factory when tested, and was overtightened at the factory to stop the leak. I expect that's what you get for buying a cheap boiler. Ravenheat cs80. They never bloody break in the summer. Rest of the day is mine, so I'm going for a lie down. 


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