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Paint for render


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I would probably go with normal masonry paint, in a colour and type that you know will not leave the market.


I tend to use Sandtex if I have to paint masonry or render, and redo it every few years as required.


Edited by Ferdinand
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I envy you if your painting smooth render. I'm painting our roughcast and it's almost like applying an additional render layer in it self.


We gone with a paint that's a bit more expensive and made on Skye. We have tried where possible during the build to help local businesses.



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I would recommend Johnsons self cleaning masonary paint. It's expensive,  but a lot cheaper than the labour of repainting.


I don't think much to Sandtex. It used to be good, but I think they have changed the mix over the past couple of years.

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i could never understand sandtex, as an outdoor masonry paint i would want as smooth a paint finish as possible. having it smooth doesn't allow dirt to accumulate, sandtex on the other hand is a rough texture which dirt will adhere to. in the past we used weathershield masonry paint

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Thanks I'll have a look at the suggestions. The render already has a slightly rough texture so I think a smooth paint is probably the way to go and will stick well. Low maintenance is key for me as I need a scaffolding tower to get to it safely.

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