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  1. Thanks Brickie, just saw the explanation on https://www.nhbc.co.uk/binaries/content/assets/nhbc/tech-zone/nhbc-standards/tech-guidance/6.1/movement-joints-in-masonry---timber-framed-external-walls-.pdf was a bit worried at first , thought i had made a boo boo
  2. Hi Can you use the normal wall ties for movement joints on timber frame build,,, STF50
  3. Hi joe yes i know the outer face of window frame butts up against the inner face of the external block/brick/ cast stone. What i was trying to get is, Ie the window width is say 900mm , is the outer skins width then say 850mm, which results in a check reveal of 25mm ,, what is the standard,, i assume the check is the amount in which the outer differs from the inner?
  4. Hi ETC, it is a timber frame kit, external block work rendered, though the windows and doors have cast stone sarrounds. Your figures seem to tie in with general searches...thanks
  5. What is the size of check reveal for timber kit,, how much does the brick overlap?
  6. you are right they are not all the same angle. The ridge tiles i have cover pitches from approx 2? to 50 deg
  7. Thanks Joe, i saw those,guess i will phone marley on Monday. The pitches on my roof are, main 45 deg, intersecting 51deg Thanks Simon.All those fancy systems and there is not a ridge tile for cross gable roof,, simple T Shape ridge tile...
  8. It is a dry ridge system, are you aware if there are ridge tiles shaped for the junction, i know they do them for hips where they meet the ridge
  9. I am tiling my roof, it is a cross gable roof ,, T shaped. Are there Ridge tiles specially made for the intersection where both roofs meet?
  10. Has anyone any experience in fitting velux flashing kit for flat plain interlocking concrete roof tiles. Marley edgemere tiles I have currently got edw flashing kit, the one with the rippled flashing, i feel that the profile of the flashing interefers with laying the tiles? The velux is gpl top hung
  11. Does anyone currently have one of the Hikoki 1st fix gas nailer.
  12. Ah 1979 the year i joined the B forces, those were the days
  13. The SE may have felt that 600 centres were sufficient for the structure,,they should perhaps still have consulted you and advised you of that change and their reasoning behind it and that you were satisfied with that. Issues on drawing etc as with builds are not always apparent and with you have so much going on it is easy to miss things out
  14. What is the method of applying truss plates on site as part of remedial work
  15. Fibre cement slate continuous dry verge - Marley https://www.marley.co.uk › accessories › fibre-cement-s... Marley fibre cement slate dry verge is the simple and effective solution for your roofing project. Made from powder-coated aluminium, it combines the ...
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