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  1. Wait for them to go on holiday, nip on the roof... Extend pipe. Job done.
  2. We are looking at a decent shed base, 3m x 4m for a sit in mower and associated garden stuff. We have an area set aside for it, the first quote for a base was £1100, about 1.5cubic required. 50mm compacted MOT etc. This seemed a helluva more then I expected. As I start getting quotes, midlands based, any estimates on feasibility of DIY? Getting a load dropped and I barrow it myself of equivalent? Welcome feedback on what others did!
  3. On my bucket list to do one day!!! Even better a steam room, but they seem more involved.
  4. Eeeerm, it's incedental storage for children's bed! 😁
  5. Most people are with trades, and sadly it's an expensive education everyone will have gone through at some point. Buildhub.org is a great resource to check and seek advice... Just pitty those that don't have this resource to guide them on their builds!! (though you could say ignorance is bliss.....). "trust, but verify"
  6. Yeah, they were finalising a bolt on part or something to enable flush fitting last year when we had ours installed, but couldn't afford the delay to wait and see. With the channels the doors sit in, you naturally step over it all and 20mm, isn't noticable unless looking at it. For us it also acts as a final 'fail safe' for water flooding/pooling risks in driving wind. If your panel is fixed could you not tile tight to it, and have flush tiles, then a thin bead of black silicone round it all to hide minor gaps?
  7. Issue we created was having our sliders able to slide both ways meaning outer sunflex panel forced us to sit the tiles down 20mm due to the lip the door created, meaning not truly flush, was annoying but again... Soon forgotten!
  8. We had exactly the same with our sunflex, blue brick step out. Pic below is what we did. Set back a blade drain, enabling tiles either side of it. Not as surgically attractive as it could have been, but soon Iver looked....
  9. We have, in theory, got it in writing from our BC for the below. Incidental use I think they've called it, so storage only, and us arguing the mini staircase is safer then a ladder/paddle stairs for accessing, which they agreed with. Lots of photos and designs shared with BC, and emails confirming OK, awaiting final inspections in next few weeks. We did need fire alarms top and bottom though.
  10. OP, I'm in the same boat. 4kw design made up of 21 individual panels from around 2012. We removed and refitted like for like over our build, and could more then double our output just replacing old for new. However our FIT is worth about 60p/kw so worth around £2000 a year, and I'm too scared to risk loosing it for the extra 4-5kw our roof could take.
  11. I don't see any issues there OP. during that 1% extreme rainfall, everything is going to be wet with water everywhere anyway.....
  12. We fitted 22 LAP down lighters in our soffits from screwfix last summer, and 5 have failed so far!! Bloody things, some are 5m high to access.
  13. As ever with self builds, if it's a problem 1% of the time.....worry about it 1% of the time, until you accept and move on. Very very cold days happen several times a year, you can't win them all.
  14. We have a MVHR with silencers, can still hear it at 40% or higher. We set it at 15% for background ventilation, 75% boost and just let it do it's thing. When Humidity is higher outside it can sit at higher (30 - 50%) and it is audible but you get used to it eventually. If it becomes a problem, we raise the humidity allowance to 70% or something and it drops itself back down to something very low and inaudible.
  15. I don't disagree, but it's a quick way of warning people away when they answer it's not been Insulated since the 80s and their small radiators are scorching hot.... Just saves them the agro....
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