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Gone West

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Gone West last won the day on October 24

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  • Location
    Near Holsworthy in Cornwall

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  1. My insurance company would only insure it for home and contents once it was occupied.
  2. I asked Wendy and she said, form D is for where invoices have VAT shown separately and form E is for where the prices include VAT and therefore VAT is not shown separately. Wendy did all our VAT refund return, she's very organised, I'm not. This was done a few years ago now though, things might have changed.
  3. We've got a similar fitting on our Miele dishwasher and that screwed onto a 3/4" washing machine tap.
  4. I've got a similar problem, but only a small area fortunately. I am going to use Lime Green Ultra insulating lime render base coat which can be laid up to around 30mm IIRC. Then when more or less level I'm going to skim with a ready mixed lime finishing plaster. I'm not a plasterer and have never done well plastering but I'll give it a go. https://www.lime-green.co.uk/products/lime-plaster/ultra
  5. I didn't oversail the cladding on the side reveals, only at the top. I used the same detailing for both horizontal and vertical cladding.
  6. In 2009 I ran our design through the PHPP and the BCO accepted the results instead of an, as designed SAP. It took me months to collect and check all the data until I was happy. IIRC the weather data was problematical. Even though my day job was mathematical modelling.
  7. Yes, we built our house in a similar way but we didn't use a ridge beam. Our house was built in 2010 and was the second construction of that type that the TF company built. The first was an art gallery which was much larger than our house. https://lowenergybuildings.org.uk/search.php?s=greendale https://lowenergybuildings.org.uk/projectPDF.php?id=255
  8. We had a Genvex Combi 185 at our last house which incorporated an EASHP to heat the DHW and the ventilation air, if required. It only works in an extremely well insulated house. We heated our house to 23C with just three electric towel rails and the Genvex. https://www.genvex.com/en/products/air-ventilation---water-heat-pump/combi-185-bp-and-combi-flex
  9. Back in the seventies I was told a similar thing by a chemist at work. Don't wash your hands with Swarfega, use washing up liquid and cold water so the skin pores don't open. He said Swarfega was carcinogenic in those days.
  10. Back in the nineties I rewired my house and chased all the walls with an angle grinder and cold chisel and hammer. The dust was pretty bad so I would do as @Iceverge suggested.
  11. Back in 2010 I had a problem with a high water table and the sewage treatment plant at my last place. The hydrostatic pressure was forcing water around the inlet and outlet pipe seals. When the water table dropped in the summer I sealed around the inlet and outlet by packing bentonite around the pipes about 150mm thick. It seemed to do the trick. You could uncover where all the pipes enter the manhole and do the same.
  12. We also stayed in a PH B&B for a few days, back in 2009, as we wanted to experience a PH before we finally decided to build one. It is cetainly a good idea.
  13. We have an old cast iron lamp post, by our drive, which I renovated a couple of years ago. I used LED filament bulbs, which have survived pretty well considering where they are fitted. https://www.ultraleds.co.uk/tear-drop-st64-squirrel-cage-led-filament-lamp-b22-400lm-2200k-extra-warm-white-easydim
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