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vfrdave last won the day on March 13 2017

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  1. I bought a Collingwood H2 Sense to replace an existing spot in a recessed canopy at our front door. The front door is out of sight of main lighting system when exiting house, and for those not shown to the door they exit in the dark. Anyway tested light on a 3 pin plug and it operates as intended. Wired it into desired place and the damn thing is either permanently on (if switch bypassed) or just operates as a switched light. The pir doesn't seem to have any effect. Can anyone shed any light (no pun intended) before I loose the plot.
  2. It would appear that your DHCP up pool has changed from 3rd octet 188 to 56. Given the subnet address your wireless bridges are on a different network than the PC. Is the switch a simple unmanaged switch? Ie no config on it, just plug cables in and it works?
  3. Yes to the electrician doing data cabling, unless you are going all out with a bespoke home automation solution.
  4. I had hse in NI shut my site down a few years ago for no scaffolding and fall deck. Rightly lectured me to all of the issue and stated professional scaffolding was required. Problem for me was a sprawling bungalow was still too small a job for most companies to be interested in. Long story short, system scaffolding erected by me and inspected by hse for signoff was all that was required. No scaff tags etc asked for.
  5. More likely this one https://www.screwfix.com/p/mcalpine-mactun-2-tundish-with-self-closing-valve-15-22mm-x-1-1-4-/589JJ?tc=QA4&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwh4-wBhB3EiwAeJsppH5gst-d9cNqO9Z6RB6RKNRk93fa6TM-DvVf98bnwQKCHjSOi02FgxoC4lMQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  6. I'm confused on this one. My understanding is as follows:- - A land registry map in NI likely shows you own to the middle of the road, particularly if rural. Given mid-ulster I assume that is the case. - Roads service have rights to maintain what constitutes the highway (hedge to hedge, fence to fence etc), by virtue of some ancient law. This feeds into maintaining sight lines over someone else's land ie a sight line exists and you just need visibility over it. - to get a new access for a property over land owned by someone else, for it to be long-standing and stand up to dispute should be a legal agreement for right of access. What confuses me is that the lay-by is yet to be built, but will be for access to your additional site. Therefore what is proposed above will end up being a shared access? In the country in NI this can be limiting for mortgages etc
  7. Apologies not weedol but SBK https://www.diy.com/departments/sbk-systemic-concentrated-weed-killer-0-25l/5012042022501_BQ.prd
  8. I have this in my what will be garden and it is a nightmare. Glphosphate hasn't done much for it in my case, however weedol rootkill plus has worked to a degree but it keeps coming back!! @Sarah29 any particular variety/type of lime?
  9. I remember debating about my air valves and other multiple things on ceilings like smoke and co2 detectors being independent and stressing about how it might look etc. Some wise head on here, maybe @Nickfromwales told me, after a while you won't even look at them never mind notice they are there, how true that is.
  10. What about ICF, no experience myself but seem to all get delivered on pallets. Light and easily moved about it would seem. Someone like @Conor could provide more information re ICF
  11. 4G like others have said. Starlink and use it in the house when it is built. If you are friendly with someone line of sight of your caravans that has a fibre connection ask them if you can share and setup a point to point link.
  12. I was in the same boat re address not being on the list. I quite literally harassed them and stamped my feet like a petulant child as I had no other fibre offering available. Eventually they gave in. Happy to give you contact details of the person that I liaised with.
  13. I used this stuff on 2 corner window posts https://enviroform-insulation.com/product/steel-window-posts-lintels/ I believe others here used the same.
  14. Other options. Lagan valley steels Barrett steel Wray engineering Hillsborough
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