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    mountain valley between milan and genua,

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  1. Hi Alex,nice to see U on board....Frank
  2. Sorry toanswer that late...It's an italian designed and build one called "Delios".About 7 years ago,I'have chosen that particular inverter because of this wonderfully managed surplus.
  3. same here,with a good background of electronics I've installed and improved over the years everything myself,beeing now 99% independent.I just finished a 2p17s lifepo4 storage with 34 kw to be more independent when solar is tide.For me. in a way is important to know your equipment-how it works-,in that case you're even able to repair it yourself....of course,if you think you can handle this😇🛠️cheers Frank
  4. Unfortunately, every sort of mass production leads to a critical equilibrium between mankind and environment....As long as there is not improved a proper recycling scheme and a fair and secure market of the prime materials in the first place,this will always be some trouble,especially for our future....The maybe only thing we can do apart from the choice where to buy from,is trying to treat our equipment as "good" as poss to ensure a long lifetime,trying to make up for the dirty buisness somehow🥶😰😱,Frank
  5. Hi Crofter,considering,you want a reliable and long lasting system,I wouldn't recommend bying second hand inverters.Lots of parts have got a standard lifetime and won't go much further.That's of cause,if the machine hasn't been abused....I have just revamped my inverter,spending some €600.- to change these parts in question to prolong the life(hopefully).Saving here money IMHO is like bying old sneakers and having to put up with the pain after....cheers and a lovely new year,Frank
  6. Hi there, I'm running a DIY 17s Lifepo4 34kw storage happily without directly comunication with the inverter.The two banks are secured by the means of the two seperate bms's,a smart shunt which can shut of,in case of overload,two sepersate fuses which further provide some peace of mind and then the inverter itself,which regulates the power towards the lifepo4 banks.In this case I've got seperate mechanisms to jump in,if something goes wrong.....I decided on this because firstly my inverter doesn't seem to want to comunicate with any chineese bms- and unfortunately most of them are, and I've seen a lot of problems once you've got banks in parallel....In my setup everything is kept seperate and protects for itself...I'm happy with this🧐cheers frank
  7. Hi there,it's a bit a trickey one,as we don't know your requirements/usage of energy.How many are there in your household and what is your electrical equipment like....Also we don't know the inverter specs,string voltage and so on....I've gone 99% off grid with a DIY Lifepo4 34KW storage and two strings bifacial panels with a max. of 8.5KW.I've over the years reduced heavily the single electric equipment usage,everything what used to eat more then two KW now uses half or even less.So,maybe if you decide to go (mainly) off grid you might go rather towards solution two with some improvements.Also I'm not a great fan of optimizers,if you're able to avoid them because they can complicate things even more,while a neet and tide setup helps to keep run things smoothly....I would suggest an inverter with a minimum of two mppt's,even three,if you can,to leave options open....Looking of the possibility of amount of panels,it would suggest a good range mppt...Mine for examle goes to 500V and 17A per string.Don't rush into things,make your mind up in base of your needs......cheers Frank and everyone a happy and collectful new year🥰
  8. Hi Hannah77 and hi to Glasgow,what a beautiful place....I've got a wood cooker with a bain-marie style heating exchange where two serpentines(exchangers) produce hot water and the heating for 120m2.I've got one boiler which is a high sufficient thermal and electric one.Highly sufficient,because it has got a double thermal heat exchanger inside.Electric for PV,in the two winter months,where PV isn't so great the wood cooker charges the boiler to about 55°C.Once the sun comes out the boiler reaches 75°C quite easily.The capacity might not look much(200l) but if you're always provide some sort of heat to charge,this is quite enaugh for a family of three.Best regards from northern Italy,Frank PS Heating element is 3KW..cheers
  9. Luckeyly,I mounted my panels on the ground,where I can easily clean and service them....15 bifacial's on east-south strings.Today 17kw and my hot water boiler is 75°C.Northern italy,though🥰
  10. Hi ,it's by all means possible,I've done it It's better,though if they match somehow in voltage and watts....Mine (9) Lg neon black bifacial to east and(6) Axitec bifacial 540-700W towards south work,even there's a slight voltage mismatch between the two strings I've chosen east south because I've got hills on the east,which leaves me without sun in the afternoon ....Best regards Frank
  11. Hi Richard,haveing lived in Scotland,Peterhead for a short time myself,may I say hello to a lovely side of the country..... Having to cope with a rather heavy need of energy is always a challenging thing...adding usage is even more,while the goal would be reducing energy needs.Imho you have got three options: You try to add panels and storage,where ever you can,maybe you could build a support construction around or on sime sides of the house to have some bifacial's near ground,for ex. east/south or east/west, to cover longer hours of harvest.The second option would be a hybrid system with any other energy producer like wind or water.....The third option and maybe the most interesting and economic way,would be to get together with some neigbours and have a storage system installed which serves all.In this case you could concentrate on producing....and harvesting🤑Best regards Frank
  12. Hi there ,other than reducing the import of chinese articles ,when at all possible ,we need to reduce heavily our OWN abuse of consuming and throwing away things....I for myself ,try but often fail,to buy stuff at least locally,if not from outside the country .I live in Italy and lots of what used to be produced(and well produced ) has been either moved to external production or the company has been sold to Chinese .
  13. Hi there,I can control the switching of excess solar into my thermal-electrical water heater directly with my inverter .There's a relay card and from there I use 3 relays to swich a single heater with 3 elements,each one separately .As I couldn't find another inverter which does this,I brought my inverter "up to date" as it converted about 30MW and I was given the option either to change completely or change the parts which usually fail first,i.e. bus link filter caps,fans,relays etc....Frank
  14. Hi everyone ,my name is frank,originally from germany,58 years old optical technician with 1 semester electrotechnics.I have been living in GB,east sussex for 12 years before returning to Germany ,ehen my mum died and then moved to italy with my partner.We opened an optician shop where I work as a technician .We are moulding our own lenses with liquid plastic which gets uv hardened ...I started pv with a little backup system,as we have got a wooden kitchen stove and the Italian grid is famous for its long lasting blackouts.I have now got a 2 string 8.5 kw solar power system which feeds an italian made Delios inverter and a diy 34 kw lifepo4 bank.I love walking in the mount with my dog enjoying a rather settled down live with my partner,having to got known some 27 years....Thanks for having me here and sharing some interesting views 🙏❤️
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