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jack last won the day on July 23 2024

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    Considering a move to Octopus Energy and want to help BuildHub while getting a £50 credit for yourself? Please click here:
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  1. jack


    Welcome to BuildHub. For many, this is one of the biggest challenges of self-build, especially if you live in more built up areas with not much space and a lot of competition for houses. We got lucky by buying a small, tired old bungalow on a plot that needed some imagination to get the most of, back in 2012 when the housing market was still in the doldrums after the 2008 financial crisis. I'm not sure whether the economics of that make sense any more, but it's worth considering. Buying to knock down and rebuild costs more but is arguably lower risk than a lot of other options. You have utilities in place (don't underestimate how much that it can cost to get them connected in some places) and can at least be sure that you'll almost certainly get planning for something, especially if there are a lot of larger houses around it (as was the case for us). You also aren't competing for the rare building plot that comes up. Around my way (Hampshire/Surrey borders), actual building plots tend to be expensive, because you're competing with people like us but also developers. Good luck.
  2. If there are concerns about longevity of this wall, your neighbour ought to be even more concerned than you are. I'd start by talking to them and offer access to your side for the builder to improve it.
  3. How common is imperfect fitting of windows and doors? Judging by my own experience, what you see on shows like Grand Designs, and the number of posts in this sub-forum, I'd say it might be more common than correct fitting As frustrating as it might be, I doubt you have a cause of action against the installer. You're well outside the standard six years for starting an action. Even if you try to rely on the "three years from discovery of the problem" deadline for action, the problem is that the absence of a cill was apparent from the day it was installed. I can see a good argument that since the cill's absence was apparent from day one, you can't claim that the problem has only just become apparent. You also need to show negligence. Some damp after well over two decades isn't necessarily evidence (by itself) of negligent installation. If you were talking about ten or more times the amount it might be worth looking into. But for £1000, you're far better of cutting your losses and getting it fixed yourself.
  4. Very kind offer thanks. Unfortunately, I can't think of any brick-related questions at the moment! 😅
  5. Welcome! Sounds like quite a project. Did you cost knocking down and replacement? Much more predictable costs, you get the VAT back. and obviously a lot more flexibility with layout. The downside from here would be more delay and fun with planners, but the principle of significant redevelopment has been established, so the council can't insist on a bungalow (not that it should have been anyway).
  6. Just FYI, edits are only allowed for half an hour after the original post, so you won't be able to come back and add to the placeholder posts.
  7. I'm not sure which seems less likely to me: that you wanted to be Father Christmas or that someone hired you for the job.
  8. This has been my life for the last ten years. Can't see it changing until the sweet release of death. Who was it who said that getting older was just saying "I have a few busy weeks coming up but then things ease off" for several decades until you die?
  9. I know you were very early Jeremy (possibly even before full production had ramped up?) Is it possible your purchase pre-dated the 10 year warranty?
  10. Same, more than happy to come over and help with lifting. Great to see you back after such a long time @Jeremy Harris
  11. You're definitely not the only one to have reached this conclusion by way of a difficult path. Hope it worked out for you in the end.
  12. Please be nice to each other guys, the internet is a hard place to read tone.
  13. Welcome! Quite a project by the looks!
  14. Welcome to BuildHub! Some of the regulars will certainly give you "odd" help, but on overall you'll generally get some sensible answers.
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