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  • Birthday 10/08/1964

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  1. tend to agree, my experience with wood burners is trickle events just don't allow enough supply air. Just opening the window slightly usually provides a near instant combustion improvement and kindoff proves the point. Something to think about if you're not having the fire lit much is whether there's a risk of mice in the floor void deciding to nest in the pipe? If so how will you provide a louvre or the like to prevent that?
  2. A drain at that height behind the wall sat on pea gravel will do next to nothing. The water would have to be 450mm deep before it can make use of the land drain, you might catch a bit of surface water draining from the top but water will always take the esiest route which will be past your drain, through the gravel and continue sitting on your foundation. What about lifting the level up with concrete, then allow for pea gravel to bed your pipe on then membrane to stop all the mud blocking it up, reinstate gravel, wrap with membrance and fill with soil - plenty of pics on tinternet. Your puddle in front of the wall - is that just where you dig out for foundation? would not reinstating with concrete sort that out?
  3. You can get these as well https://www.southernsheeting.co.uk/perforated-closure-trim-ew1im.html?infinity=ict2~net~gaw~cmp~21101839195~ag~~ar~~kw~~mt~~acr~3674732697&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAgoq7BhBxEiwAVcW0LFI8eyXq9_6uDl014PtvtJ7qFV31XMfKguJE-vRY817PHC_OGLK9iBoCGCIQAvD_BwE#240=427 The soffit mesh looks good as well. But I used perforated sheets and cut them to my own length/width to suit, can't remember exact spec of gauge/hole size but stainlees and along these lines https://www.fhbrundle.co.uk/mesh/perforated-metal?via_sb=true Whichever you choose I would look for something with some rigidity to it otherwise it will sag between fixings and also if its too light a guage the fixings like screws will dmage it hence why some have used staples.
  4. Don't think there's any requirement to box in, just need to maintain distance to combustibles. I think you can get the aesthetics for the firestop and vent like so
  5. or these https://www.google.com/search?q=dura+flash+flue&oq=dura+flash+flue&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIGCAEQRRg8MgYIAhBFGDzSAQoyMzk0NGowajE1qAIIsAIB&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8
  6. Dektite grommets for the external seal, as bove. Red and black rated for different temperatures I believe, red is higher. Between floors https://flexibleflueliners.com/product/ventilated-fire-stop-plate-150mm-black-kw-pro/?campaignid=21800739722&adgroupid=170161215993&keyword=&device=c&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsoe5BhDiARIsAOXVoUtXOpIrQ9KMOILyf_RY0p1j_2_D0fXFubmpHBBOahnBZD0bY_YNHKEaAq2TEALw_wcB
  7. I'd be inclined to contact your local fire officer, they're usually very helpful.
  8. We have Norrsken, supply only. We found the price mid range, most things become a balance of quality v cost but we've been really happy with them, well mostly. The timber and alu clad were beautifully finished, the hinge mechanisms lovely and smooth in operation. Pre-sales were very helpful, communications up to and including delivery really good. Not so good - The window handles are cheap. The moulded plastic coating has broke on one of them already. I can't remember if they offered the option but I'd go for something more robust. Installation support, typical drawings, etc were non existent. I really had to push to get information and what I got was very, very basic. This wasn't a big issue for us personally but may be for others. Would I choose them again, absolutely.
  9. I don't think there's any need to leave it at 6bar, it's really just to test the joints above their normal operating pressure. I dropped ours down to 1.5 bar when they poured the screed and just monitored it. It went up to 4bar shortly after pour then dropped back down to 1.5 after a few days if I recall.
  10. Yes I have it Russ, plus the stapler as well If passing anywhere near Hereford can meet up or post.
  11. Likewise, I prefer to keep the wood fresh looking.
  12. Be aware that this will still silver. Vastern have weathered panels on display outside.
  13. I used Plasson throughout our 32mm supply, sourced via JDP as well. That Plasson stoptap in your picture has been in my plant room under 10-12bar pressure for over 2 yrs and no issues.
  14. If you're set on buying from abroad then some of the Polish manufacturers may be worth a look, debesto, fenbro, etc. Debesto certainly have a wider range of brands.
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