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Wow, we have finally started, and what a journey. 

The goal of the last 8 days was to try to make the the stars align. We had planned several meetings / connections deliveries all to happen the 1st week in April, and this was it, lets see what unfolds.

Firstly, the plot, being located high up on the East coast in the highlands, which is basically a large un-serviced field has a few logistical issues, the main one being storage, the second distance.

We had quotes for containers to be purchased and delivered in the region of 4.5K so alternatives were needed.  The initial solution is the back of an Asda delivery waggon, 12ft long, 7ft wide,6ft high, with 3 lockable doors, and racking for the green trays, also a larger roller shutter section.  £250 - with working fridge if required - (this may have a second life once were up and running with rare breed pigs🙈).  just need to get it from Morecambe 430miles North.

Secondly how to get everything to site.  We bought an old removals wagon - 7.5Tonne ally box with tail lift. MOT till NOV 515,000KM - 1 careful owner :) 

Our hope was for this to get there in 1 piece, and be left on site as storage. the sum of £1200. all in with insurance (which may be cancelled) its has cost us £2K.


Talking with my timber supplier, he warned me of impending price rises and possibility of shortages due to the unrest in the UKRAINE. so out of the blue I bought all the timber 450M of 6x2 C24, and 56 off 11mm OSB for the PODS.


In addition to this I found a contact selling factory rejects of 120mm PIR insulation. In Scotland the pods need to achieve good U values, so 120mm on roof and in floors was required.  Basically this guy buys pallets of insulation that are usually end of production run , or slightly damaged corners etc, and not full sheet sizes.  I went to look, as he has had some bitumen coated and fibreglass coated boards. Generally the sheets are all 1200mm wide, min 600 long, most are around half board length, but will need to be trimmed to make them suitable for the warm roof.  I did a deal to buy the equivalent of 44 Boards of 120mm some Bitumen coated, some fibreglass for the sum total of £660. This is a massive saving on 'Box Fresh'


Now I had a problem, with the insulation tightly packed into the back of the truck and leaving some pockets to slide the timber in I had filled about 2/3rd of the truck, I didn't have room for all the timber or the other stuff I was taking. The revised plan was to cross our fingers and hope the truck will not only get to Scotland , but now return with a view of making another trip.



Living accommodation. We found a static caravan, 2 bedroom in V good condition, delivered to site included in the price. The deal was done and he would get the van to site for our arrival on the Thursday, along with the delivery of our other investment an old Ford 550 Backhoe Loader, with buckets and pallet forks.

We decided to set off Wednesday evening, with the plan to see where we got before we were too tired, then to sleep in the Wagon / Car.    The picture below  was us all loaded with 430Miles ahead.  Me driving 'Nessie' as Mandy has called her, and Mandy Driving the Car / and trailer.   I know we look like 'Travellers' but needs must, what will the new neighbours think when we turn up..... 




The Journey was horrendous. Setting off at  18.00 the trip was uneventful, with he exception of filling Nessie to the tune of £245 with diesel and not knowing how far these 150 litres will get us. Uneventful until we got to the A9 around Perth, then the snow started. Visibility was poor, and the local truckers seemed oblivious to it.   Mandy had a big scare on a dual carriage way where she lost visibility of the edge of the road, and found herself nearly hitting the verge, a stab of the brakes and forgetting about the 16ft trailer saw said trailer try to over take her.  Luckily she managed to correct this, and coming to a stop in the dark with snow on the dual carriageway, composed herself and set off again. 

At 03.30 on Thursday we pulled into a layby just after Inverness. Got our heads down for a couple of extremely cold hours (-4). and set off to the croft, arriving around  8.30..


During the drive we were informed the Static- our accommodation for the week was not going to make it - COVID... 

I managed to make a few calls and Borrowed a 3 berth Tourer from GOW Plant Hire / Groundworks in Caithness..  What a top bloke....

This is us on site day 1, digger arrived.....



The Plot..




So down to it.

Day 2 on site Friday.

Electricity was to be connected on Wednesday 6th, we needed to dig a 30M Trench and install the cabinet / concrete base.  This had to happen.  Over to the digger to fire her up.... no go. Quickly the battery went flat.  We moved Nessie closer, did a quick 30Mile round trip and bought some jump leads and by lunchtime and still no joy, turning over but not firing..... it was running the day before but they had to jump start as it had been sat in the yard for a few week.  

Ok looking at the battery it wasn't the correct one, so another 30mile round trip and the owner of a monster battery  we tried again.  no luck, I phoned a mate mechanic he advised trying spraying cold start into the air intake.  ok another trip? , No, he told me to try deodorant as the propellant may well work, one quick spray and the old girl fired immediately. Best smelling digger in the highlands...


Now to get to grip with an old backhoe, I've experience with up to 5 tonne 360 machines but never a back hoe, so this took a while to understand how to dig a straight trench next to a fence..  I managed to excavate the connection pit and around 15M of wandering trench by the end of the day.


Day 3 Saturday 

It was cold and no amount of deodorant was working on the digger. 

The mighty battery was losing power...  Time to try Nessie to give a boost, we got the Truck stuck in the mud... FFS. we needed the digger to move the truck, and the truck to help start the digger...

This was a testing day, and I know from experience in building game you have days that just fight back, and this day was fighting hard.

Mandy set off in search of some supplies and some cold start.  By lunch she was back, I had made the shuttering for the cabinet base just needed the digger to get the concrete over to the hole.
Cold start didn't work and we both felt deflated...

Numerous attempts with planks, stone etc to free the truck were not working.

As a last resort as the sun was now out and shining we gave the cold start another go and the digger jumped into life..  Obviously not a morning person...

We moved the truck to relative safety of some drier ground with the aid of the digger and concreted in the cabinet.  Another 10 M of trench, and we made a start exposing the water main.

I noticed the digger was beginning to be sluggish and leaving hydraulic oil pools, when I check the level it was nearly empty. So Parked up the digger, next to the truck, batteries next to each other - just in case.


We retired to the un heated caravan, and I went to the Generator to start it, we had a 2KW heater that helped take the chill off, A couple of pulls and the cord snapped😂. the day was going to round 12 like it or not.  So tools out and repair underway. 


Day 4 Sunday.

 No Hydraulic oil till Monday so left the digger alone, and marked out the position of the pods, and the septic tank, I wanted to do some digging here to confirm the suspicion that the rock level was high, and some breaking out will be required.  We hand dug a trial hole for the water main, as we found electricity cables running towards where the trench was going. We hit rock 300mm below ground, so were happy to dig this with the machine on Monday,

We also started unloading the insulation and timber from the truck.  We sandwiched timber and insulation with visqueen and ratchet straps to create a heavy mass that hopefully wont blow away whist were not there.


Day 5 Monday.

With Hydraulic oil on board and the shelter of the truck the digger fired first thing, and we were off. 

Mandy continued un loading insulation.

We dug a small trench for the water (we new the main was laid in a blasted trench to a depth of 800mm)   we had to breakout our trench with a 110V Breaker to obtain the 600mm depth and hand dig to expose the water main, I left Mandy to this while I dug the septic tank hole, I got to a depth of around 800mm before I hit the rock. This will need pecking out now.




We installed a homemade standpipe, and blue pipe, then asked for a track inspection via the online portal.

We were given date of 11/12/13April, but we put a note on to say we were on site until the 8th.

They responded and the Meeting was set for Wednesday 6th - result.


Day 6 Tuesday - the night was very windy and wet.

A cold and wet start, We finished off the electrical trench, laid the ducting / draw cord and all was set for connection the next day.


Made a start on the pods foundation dig.


Day 7 Wednesday - electrical trench was full of water, and the ducting was floating.  the heavy rain drains towards the sea, and thus straight into this trench, I was concerned that the Install may be called off.

SSE turned up around 10.00 and were not bothered in the slightest.


They connected a new length of 95mm Wavecon to the pole and jointed the existing 2 houses and our new supply - 2 core 35mm straight concentric to this 95mm cable. Resin pour joint box, and fitted the 100A cut out in the cabinet.  They were done in 2 hours. left me to throw the cable in when the resin had gone off.


Scottish water inspected the trench, and this has been signed off and will be added to the works list, hopefully a few weeks.

1709287428_WaterTrench_Standpipe.thumb.jpg.fe50f855b6c742d2d6345f99a8f9ed89.jpg   Water_dogs.thumb.jpg.6bb927241b9a0a44c35730a6284768ca.jpg

I filled in the cable trench,


We managed to rough dig out the pod foundations and found the rock is close to the surface. so the slab foundation will be pretty much mass fill concrete around the perimeter, with some MOT to reduce the thickness to 4" for the slab. This will then have a Radon barrier on top and a floating floor insulation on that,


Pod1_Foundation.thumb.jpg.1362045a3d15bceee77f342e00574d22.jpg        Pod2_Foundation.thumb.jpg.df2704982150df231286662b9db2f3bf.jpg


Due to the poor living conditions and more rain and wind we made the decision to leave Thursday morning.


Day 8 Thursday,

We packed up the caravan and Nessie then dragged the caravan out of the mud with the digger. The trailer was also dragged clear with the digger, but Nessie was so at home she didn't want to leave. I was pushing here through the mud, but she was sinking.   Fortunately tour Farmer neighbour saw our plight and came along with his massive tractor and dragged her clear.

We left site battered, bruised but happy in the knowledge that no matter what was thrown at us, we had achieved what was required and more to boot.


Thanks for reading... its all possible, Mandy made a few videos if you want to see them https://www.facebook.com/The-Windy-Roost-101816829105927, you can follow the progress there as well...









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Well done for not giving up.  We had lovely weather up here in March.  What else can you expect if you plan to come here for the Easter holidays?  the weather is bound not to play ball.  But it really has been rubbish for the time of year.


If you want more on site storage, the caravan dealers will almost give away an "end of life" static, you would probably get one for little more than the transport cost, even if you end up cutting it up for scrap or offering it for free when finished with it at the end.


I suspect the glow plugs in the digger.  When I had mine, on a cold day it would start on 2 cylinders and the others would wake up after a few seconds, but I never bothered to fix it. I avoided digging in the foul weather.  A tracked machine might be better on that site, but the ground is exceptionally wet just now after all the snow in the last couple of weeks.


How do you get on owning a 7.5t?  I have only ever hired one, i thought to own one you needed an operators licence?

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6 minutes ago, ProDave said:

How do you get on owning a 7.5t?  I have only ever hired one, i thought to own one you needed an operators licence?

I've read and re read the blurb, and now printed it off and its in the cab, but its exempt from operators licence, and CPC, if its for personal use. If I was using it for work, I would need an operators licence but still not the CPC.

The difficult part was getting someone to insure me, ended up with Adrian Flux, they were the only ones willing to insure me.  The crazy part is if I bought a 7.5T Horse box insurance was no problem, but any that I looked at were rotten, and already very heavy.  I used my new address to reduce the premium by £350.00 but they are still asking me questions relating to where it stays etc... we will see where this goes.



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How deep is that soft ground? A while ago you were discussing breaking granite out for trenches: is this handier than you had expected?

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7 hours ago, saveasteading said:

How deep is that soft ground? A while ago you were discussing breaking granite out for trenches: is this handier than you had expected?

Its not granite 😀. its a layered stone, (Flagstone) so breaks into sheets, similar to slate.  Where the pods are the rock is only 250mm - 300mm below the surface. Which will work well , as  I will use some MOT to build the centre up to reduce the slab thickness and then mass fill the lot. With the Radon Barrier on top of this and a floating floor with insulation underneath. 


The Septic tank I managed to dig to around 800mm Deep, again better than I thought, but this will need pecking now to get to the required 1500mm.  And ill probably have to peck the trench for the rumbling drain 

I've not started on the house yet, but the ground rises there, so I suspect I will have to do some pecking at the higher ground to get the area somewhere near level for the insulated raft.  But I'm  a little happier now I know what I've got to deal with.

I had to break a bit of the water trench with a 110V SDS Max, and it broke fairly easily, so I'm quite happy an 8T 360 machine with pecker will sort out all I need fairly quickly.


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25 minutes ago, Jenki said:

some pecking at the higher ground to get the area somewhere near level

Why not build higher? Better view/ better drainage.

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18 hours ago, saveasteading said:

Why not build higher? Better view/ better drainage.

Height restraints on the build. planning wanted levels across the site.  

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1 hour ago, Jenki said:

planning wanted levels across the site. 

If you have a prescribed ridge height in m  above ordnance datum then that is serious and provable. If a height above ground then you will have some leeway.

100mm up will save 100mm down, and surely not trouble the authorities.....although they might be reading this.

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1 minute ago, saveasteading said:

If you have a prescribed ridge height in m  above ordnance datum then that is serious and provable. If a height above ground then you will have some leeway.

100mm up will save 100mm down, and surely not trouble the authorities.....although they might be reading this.

No Ridge height, so yes I can vary slightly, where the house is the land rises around 600mm, So I see myself digging into this to get levels, but not averse to raising one end to deuce the amount of dig.

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On 08/04/2022 at 16:36, ProDave said:

How do you get on owning a 7.5t?  I have only ever hired one, i thought to own one you needed an operators licence?

Hi, I can confirm now, that owning and running this is perfectly legal, without an operators licence.  However, overloading it was a painful experience.  

On my recent trip, I was escorted off the M6 @ Carlisle, to find I was over weight.  All my documentation checked out, as this was looked at by two police officers and the truck was rigorously inspected by VOSA..#

The Truck got a clean bill of health, even after he kept hitting her with a hammer to find rust etc... , and they had no issues with me driving it, and not using the Tacho etc.

The weight got me a prohibition order to remove excess weight before leaving site, so I had to hire another 7.5T truck move the load across until they were happy both vehicles were under weight and they then let me go.  😥



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