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Cooking, Mice and Update



I wish this was a food related post! Nope, actually the less we can cook the better. The minute the gas goes in it turns from a 36 degree caravan to an actual steam room complete with scents of tea tree and lavender from what we have applied to our arms and legs from the critters are attacking us in here through open windows and vents. 


Meanwhile our dry storage in one of the outbuildings, formerly a shop the previous owner had selling canal associated tat has mice! Discovered when looking for some shorts as it's where we are storing some belongings, I'm now having a panic we have a family of furry friends living in our mattress and clothes. We have 4 traps down and so far have caught 6! Either the peanut butter is attracting them in or we have a huge family. The maize hasn't even been cut down yet so I'm predicting by time we get to emptying things out in Autumn they will likely have chewed through anything of any value!


Bungalow wise, the historic evidence of birds, bees and wasps nesting in the old roof has been discovered which was completely knackered and the existing floors are being excavation ready for lots of lovely insulation. That's been a big job for the builders.


The joining of the existing appearance of the two bungalows created a few discussions as we were just replacing the flat roof that joins them but not any more! Someone's had a bright idea and I can't pretend to understand what's happening but apparently it will look much better. As long as they stick to the budget they can do what they want - what they didn't mention was it's more steel/calcs which is extra cost but there may be savings elsewhere. 







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Good to see the works progressing. You may get more mice - I once did for 10 in a week in my kitchen, but then they can have litters of 8 or so, so it's a veritable population explosion when they leave the nest. Choccy cake/muffins is great bait too. Maybe get a cat. Or a sausage dog, just as good at mousing and much less independent/more fun than a cat. 

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19 minutes ago, Reiver said:

Good to see the works progressing. You may get more mice - I once did for 10 in a week in my kitchen, but then they can have litters of 8 or so, so it's a veritable population explosion when they leave the nest. Choccy cake/muffins is great bait too. Maybe get a cat. Or a sausage dog, just as good at mousing and much less independent/more fun than a cat. 


We do seem to have adopted a cat from somewhere who we spotted with a mouse at the weekend. I guess I should be pleased it isn't a rat.


Haven't had any in the traps for a few days. I perhaps need to change the peanut butter for chocolate muffins.

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9 hours ago, canalsiderenovation said:


We do seem to have adopted a cat from somewhere who we spotted with a mouse at the weekend. I guess I should be pleased it isn't a rat.


Haven't had any in the traps for a few days. I perhaps need to change the peanut butter for chocolate muffins.


The subject and object in that first sentence are reversed.


You are not the protagonist. You can't be - it is a cat.



Someone's had a bright idea and I can't pretend to understand what's happening but apparently it will look much better. 

I think they have reopened beauty salons ?. I will soon be looking much more alluring.


Nice to see progress.


Hope your cat is a real bastard of a canal moggie.

Edited by Ferdinand
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2 hours ago, Ferdinand said:


The subject and object in that first sentence are reversed.


You are not the protagonist. You can't be - it is a cat.


I think they have reopened beauty salons ?. I will soon be looking much more alluring.


Nice to see progress.


Hope your cat is a real bastard of a canal moggie.


Well we have two cats our neighbours one who sits lounging in the sun and probably couldn't care less about any mice and the real bastard canal moggie who has turned up.


Once we move back in we will be adopting a cat. I fostered three kittens earlier this year who I named after Game of Thrones characters and it broke my heart letting them go.

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Yeah, Roof structure going on. All you need now are the firing pieces on top of those timbers to provide the fall for water run off !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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