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Back to Buildloan (groan)



Well, all the outside is done now except for some weird small bits the builder has not yet done for no reason I can work out - the stone above the porch window (1 layer about 6" thick) and the ground floor bathroom window sill, and the bottom of the porch doorway.


They are coming back which is fine and there is no panic, but I don't quite know why they left those bits undone.


Anyway, as is the way of these things, we ran over by a good few thousand - mostly because both the independent  QS costings we paid for and Buildstores own costings people, omitted parts of the stonework (quite a lot of stone mullions as well as stone water tabling).   I contacted Buildloan and explained we'd need more dosh.  First advice was that it would be cheaper to get a loan - so, knowing we have a 999 score credit rating and more than double the equity in the house & land, we applied - and for the first time in our lives were refused! It made no sense, so we tried another - same result.

Reasonable income, its affordable, whats going on?  On a whim I checked with Experian and found Talkmobile (who I've not been with for about 2 years) had wrecked my credit record claiming unpaid bills!  Simply not true! So I chased them - they apologised and said they'd get the incorrect information removed by Experian "in 30 days" - I offered to sue if they didn't do it immediately for the extra thousands it was going to cost me having to go the mortgage route -  rates plus Buildstores £500 + fee for filling a form in.  So, I check and sure enough, my credit record was restored a few days later.  


Next day we apply again, - and were refused again!  I check and find TalkMobile have done it again   !  This time adding a completely bogus claim of a late payment "within the last 2 months" - for an account which has not existed for about 2 years!  So back we go, and they apologise again and within 48 hours this one is also removed from my record (I've looked online and they've done this to loads of people - to one guy for a supposed £1 debt!).  But now we have several "refused" records showing, so they've absolutely stuffed us, even though they admit error and we are back to a 999 maximum credit rating.


So, with heavy heart we've had to go back to the nightmare that is Buildstore/Buildloan, and yet again, they are dragging the application out for as long as they can. First time round their game was to ask for say 3 months bank statements, then once you'd sent them, wait a couple of weeks and then ask you for the previous 3 months to that - this went on with payslips, P60s going back about 6 years and on and on - but never just asking for what the Building society wanted in one go, just one document at a time, even when I called and said "look, tell me *everything* you need and I'll send it all in one go" - oh no. (we should have known really when our initial application to Buildstore sat on someones desk for a month with nothing done until I rang and asked what was happening. I then had to chase them every single step of the way to make them get on with each step otherwise they just sat on the documents until they "expired", at which point they'd want the next months document, then the next months payslip - by which time a new statement was due and so on and on and on. I had to find how to contact the Chief Exec in the end to get them to actually just submit the damn application!  A job which if i could have done it myself was all doable in maybe a week maximum.


To my horror, they are doing the same again - they asked for 3 months (cunningly sent them 6 months so they couldn't play the same trick) payslips and bank statements, and already they've sat on them so long they are asking for the next ones!  They have to be the most stressful way of getting a mortgage by far. when I rang the Building Society they assure me they send out a sheet to Buildstore at the start and list everything they want in one go (Buildloan tried to tell me it was the Building Society asking for one thing at a time - which made no sense to me, as why would any building society or bank do it that way?) .


So I've just read an email asking me for a statement they *already have* and for this months payslips (which we don't have yet of course). I've written back pointing out that this will go on indefinitely if they don't just submit the paperwork and keep waiting until the statements and payslips are a month out of date. So I've also asked for a definite date when they plan to submit and have said if they cannot give me one, and do not plan to submit it this week then it makes sense for me to send all things in future direct to the Building Society, telling the Building Society why,  rather than them being sat in someones desk at Buildloan until they expire.    Give me strength!

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Wendy had a similar problem with Vodafone. She closed her account, and had it confirmed verbally because they refused to put it in writing. Two years later her VISA credit provider was behaving strangely so she checked her credit record and found Vodafone was claiming unpaid bills. After a long drawn out farce with Vodafone she took it to the Ombudsman and won compensation against Vodafone and her credit rating has finally gone back to where it should be. Wendy complained to the Ombudsman that these companies can affect your credit rating without having to tell you.

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Yes, I've found literally hundreds of people mobile phone companies have done this to. In fact the guy at Buildloan said he has seen it lots of times and it is almost invariably telecoms companies for some reason.  I've had a go at Experian pointing out they have a duty of care to stop taking reports from companies they know have repeatedly sent them bogus  bad credit reports - but of course they don't care as these companies are paying a fee to them (Experian).


We are still going through the usual Buildloan delays where again nothing ever gets progressed until I phone or email asking why I've not heard anything for days/weeks. Every step has had to be forced. Its really unpleasant to be constantly arguing with people when all your asking is they do their very simple job. Basically, I send them a payslip/statement/form and all they have to do is put it in an envelope or scan it off to the building Society yet it will sit there until I ring and complain that nothing has happened. Usually until its out of date so I have to send another.  It took 6 calls even to get someone to answer the phone the other day. It's just completely stressful dealing with them - its horrible.  They've taken a system which can be a little stressful for people and made it hugely stressful at every turn. My heart sinks when i see i have an email from them as you know it will be some delaying tactic or asking for something they could have asked you for weeks ago, so is adding yet another delay.


Its almost as if they'd never done mortgages before and were just learning themselves at each step, yet they've done thousands as we know.  There appears to be no system.


The top and bottom of the problem is that they have a monopoly and know it so don't have any incentive to improve.  

Edited by curlewhouse
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58 minutes ago, curlewhouse said:

Yes, I've found literally hundreds of people mobile phone companies have done this to. 


Yep, it happened to my hubby when he changed from T Mobile. They claimed he owed them £12 (which he didn't) and my hubby refused to pay time and time again in principle. Eventually the 'debt' was sold to a debt collection company that used to send threatening letters periodically that my hubby used to bin. Then about a year after he died I got a letter from them (addressed to him) saying that they would no longer be pursuing the debt. I imagine that it affected his credit score TBH but given that he wasn't looking to get credit etc we didn't pursue that but it really is shocking how these false charges can affect your life so dramatically with no recourse. 

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Had exactly the same with AOL many years ago.  Notified them of my intention to quit the contract by the required number of days, by their preferred method and got email confirmation back from them.  As a matter of course I cancelled my direct debit.  A month or so later, a late payment demand from AOL who I was no longer contracted to.  Emailed them a copy of their acknowledgement and heard nothing more until a letter from a debt collector arrived!  A bit of research and sent them a holding letter saying I was in dispute with AOL (they cannot proceed with any action in those circumstances).  Two weeks later another letter from a different debt agency (presumably the 'debt' had been sold on.  Another holding letter and complaint to AOL who eventually acknowledged they were at fault and would cancel the outstanding debt.  No apology, nothing. Customer service at its best!

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I’m wondering why you haven’t gone to your bank for the mortgage, when we built our first house 26 years ago our bank gave us the money in stages we even had a visit from their area manager to see how it was progressing which ended in him giving us enough carpet for our hall and lounge! Our second house was mostly funded by the sale of the first but nearing the end we ran out of funds and had to apply to the bank for a mortgage, they sent out a surveyor to put a value on what had been done and released enough money for us to finish, both times we had the mortgage within 10 days much easier dealing with them when they already know your financial situation.

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Because they don't do self build mortgages any more unless via Buildstore. Quite a lot of the bank/building societies have now gone this route as it saves them having self build experts on their staff for probably less than 0.1% of their mortgage business.

Edited by curlewhouse
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