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Commercial property build?

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Seems madness considering the ups and downs of my self build project. 


However, over the last year I have been trying to find a “new” office for my accountancy practice, we are currently in a house that’s been converted into an office, which isn’t ideal. 


I wanted it to be within 3 miles of my house but was willing to go up to 10 miles away. 


It had to be somewhere around 1000sqft, give or take 500sqft. 


I wanted it to be well positioned if possible for visibility and for the building to not be an eye sore. 


It seems this is just too much to ask. 


I’m now considering buying a plot and having a glass/contemporary style office built. 


Perhaps I am being too picky. 

Edited by Sjk
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Oh yes parking as an absolute must. 


You are correct, I looked at a police station and nhs buildings. The police station was large so rates would have been eye watering, I feared the nhs building would have required a some expensive remodelling. Although I think it was sold for a large some to a developer. 


I understand if you know a government building is unused you can ask them to sell it to you. 


Edited by Sjk
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2 hours ago, Sjk said:

Oh yes parking as an absolute must. 


You are correct, I looked at a police station and nhs buildings. The police station was large so rates would have been eye watering, I feared the nhs building would have required a some expensive remodelling. Although I think it was sold for a large some to a developer. 


I understand if you know a government building is unused you can ask them to sell it to you. 


In  scotland  we could split the police station  and make it into units --which would be rated seperatly --so you could let off other bits --or not --but rates would only be on what you used

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Have you thought about going a bit bigger. 

A friend of mine rented a machinist workshop for a decade, when his lease ran out he looked at buying a unit, but instead got a good chunk of financing and bought a group of four units on a little industrial estate, he has one and he rents out the other three. 

His mortgage will be paid off in another ten years when he plans to retire, he is sitting on 2.5 million quids worth of property all paid for by his 3 tenants over the last 10 years. 

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Interesting re splitting the unit, I will have to do some research on that. 


Ooh financing a large unit and renting out the parts you don’t need, I will have to look into the finances of this!

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3 hours ago, scottishjohn said:

the way brexit is going--I hope  -

 hold off buying property till after march --£ could crash and everything will be cheaper then and all those too stretched with loans will need to move things quick .

 cash is always king if that happens

In the event of no deal I think it is likely that the BoE will not want the economy to tank, so more QE which will help inflate asset prices.  Although the £ may fall, unless you hold another currency or gold, it will not make things cheaper in £ terms, in fact you may need more £ to purchase the same item.

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