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Thank the Lord(s)! (a.k.a.Forum Foundation Group)


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Hello all.

Still a future self builder, just north of Salisbury.  

We have a bungalow, ripe for demolition (rented out). We have an ever changing plan. We have a timescale, it was a 5 year plan - one and a half to go. We had access to the most incredible font of knowledge - which died and seems to have been resurrected, so many thanks to the FFG.  I'll get back to learning loads and be here with questions aplenty soon...

Yours, gratefully.



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Thanks Dave/Jeremy.

Indeed Jeremy, after the demise of eBuild I was going to bang on your door to see if you'd be a consultant on my build!

South Wilts; I'm on, and plan to be on, the A338 between Salisbury and Porton and I suspect 'planning' will be the topic of my first round of questions.


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Be careful what you wish for Nick, I'll start bugging you all soon. Let's hope I don't get barred due to my depth of ignorance!

Jeremy, yes, we're in Hurdcott. I had the pleasure of visiting your new build a couple of times last year. I take it you've not fully moved in yet as you say you're still in Porton?

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We've had a few problems with the borehole that held things up, but should get a completion chit in the next week or two.  I've been trying to get as much of the landscaping done as is on the plan, so we can get the VAT back on it, which has delayed thing, as we pretty much ran out of money at the end of last year, so have been doing things as we can afford them.

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