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Completion Certificate - What an anticlimax


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So, you invest huge amounts of time, effort and hard-earned cash. You sweat blood, shed tears, and spend sleepless nights fretting over endless details and decisions. Finally, you subject your dream creation to umpteen tests and inspections so as to qualify for the Holy Grail that is a building regs completion certificate. And then you get it, and it is the singularly least impressive looking document imaginable. Mrs NSS said we should frame it and put it on a wall when it arrived, but then it did arrive and it'll be lucky to be pinned up with a fridge magnet - to the back of the fridge!

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For all its tattiness it is a significant milestone, you can claim the VAT back for a start also, I am sure, someone on here will be happy to design a 'buildhub' completion certificate that you can be proud of after all the adulation of your peers will be much more valuable won't it.

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7 hours ago, Nickfromwales said:

Now, now ?

Folk who are currently jumping through hoops whilst bent over backwards would kill for one, even if it did look like a dog license. 

You could always send it off and have it made into wallpaper for a nice feature wall ??


Lol. Love the wallpaper idea. We could have a load made and send it to all the arsehole neighbours as a peace offering ;)

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