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Advice needed on PD and summerhouse build


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Hello guys it’s not been to long so I thought I’d ask for some advice on this thread as it was kinda helpful. I am in a bit of a pickle. I’m building a garage at the back of the house and it’s fully built now and one of the neighbours complained so now inspection is coming soon so check is dimmensions are right as the proposed plan. We did make a plan with a sketch and given all the information and they said it falls under permitted developemwnt and don’t need planning permission. I’m scared because at the highest point is meant to be 2.5m due to it being close to a boundary. I did the garage structure to 2.5m but when the Pannels went on the roof they were over by 80mm so a total of 2.58m will this be a problem for the inspector and is there any leeway for it. If yes I’m planning to raise the floor around it. Also recently found out that I’m 6% over the amount I’m allowed to build it’s 56% instead of %50 which is meant to be for PD. This is due to not taking the conservatory into calculation as it was probably built after the house and isn’t within the original dwelling. So if I include it I’m over the amount I’m allowed. What can I do about this and again is there any leeway. Also saw online something about maximum of 30m^2 and my garage is 32. So which is it %50 of land or 30m^2 you are allowed,im  confused and could really use some help guys thanks. 

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Who said it was PD? LPA’s do not confirm that without a Lawful Development Certificate application.


The LPA should not take action over 80mm. Their first course of action would be to invite you submit a Planning application, which would be approved. It’ll cost the LPA a lot more money to process an application as opposed to arguing over 80mnn. But you could play it safe and slightly raise the ground levels around the building so you’re back at 2.5m.


How have you calculated the areas as 6% is so marginal and I can’t see how the LPA would be able to calculate that to that degree.


The floor area relates to Building Regulations, not Planning. Is the 32sq.m the external footprint? If so, what is the internal floor area as that should not exceed 30sq.m in order to be exempt from BR’s.

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I would raise the outside ground level by 4cm so that you are only 4cm over. But only if you can do this without leaving a trace showing the inspector what you’ve done. If you are not confident about hiding your tracks, then definitely just leave it. Doubt an extra 8cm is going to make a big difference. BRs not relevant for the planning inspector’s purposes.

I think you will be fine, but good luck and let us know how it goes. Just be nice and polite, you want the instpector on your side.

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On 23/08/2024 at 21:20, Bones1 said:

 Also recently found out that I’m 6% over the amount I’m allowed to build it’s 56% instead of %50 which is meant to be for PD. This is due to not taking the conservatory into calculation as it was probably built after the house and isn’t within the original dwelling. So if I include it I’m over the amount I’m allowed. What can I do about this and again is there any leeway.


That might be more of an issue than the height.   The rules say its not permitted development if..



as a result of the works, the total area of ground covered by buildings within the curtilage of the dwellinghouse (other than the original dwellinghouse) would exceed 50% of the total area of the curtilage (excluding the ground area of the original dwellinghouse) 


I think I would measure your plot carefully and draw up calculations that show its exactly 50%.  Mark up a site plan if you have one. The planners might check your dimensions so don't go adding 1m to one dimension. Instead add a small amount to all of them, subtract a small amount from the dimensions of your house etc if he wants to measure it offer to hold one end of the tape 🙂



Also saw online something about maximum of 30m^2 and my garage is 32. So which is it %50 of land or 30m^2 you are allowed,im  confused and could really use some help guys thanks. 


The 30sqm issue is a Building Control issue not a planning issue. The 30sqm figure is the internal area. If that's over 30sqm you need Building Control Approval. Remeasure it. If its less than 30sqm on the inside wait and see if the Planner asks about Building control approval. If he does tell him its not needed as its under 30sqm inside. I assume there are no bedrooms inside and that it's more than 1 meter from the boundary or made from substantially non combustible materials.

Edited by Temp
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