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council applying PD rules to planning permission - should I go to appeal?


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Hi, I'm new on here but at an impasse with my local council's planning officer - seems he's new in the role and is applying PD rules to my extension plans. I live in a semi detached house with at the moment a garage on the side but separate to the house. I've applied to build a 2 storey extension over the same footprint, attaching the build to the house - however the officer is saying no, it should be a max of 3.1m wide, not the 3.8m I want, as he says it's wider than half of the house width (house width 6.3m, corner of garage currently 3.8 from the side of the house) . It's my understanding that the half the width of the house is a PD rule not and should not apply here. Also I'm at the end of a cul-de-sac with no neighbours on that side (only trees and allotments) and only 2 houses that would be able to see it from their houses opposite (and both neighbours want me to build what I want). He says I can extend out back but not on the side. However I can't extend out back as the plot is triangular. By the way the party on the other side of my boundary is the council, if that has any bearing. Can anyone shed any light on this? He says he will reject and I can go to appeal. Do you think I will get a fair review at appeal? 

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No, it sounds like a LPA policy and is quite common. You cannot build two storey side extensions under PD.


You either look to reduce the width to a compromise or stick with what you have and look at Appealing. Or, reduce the width, get an approval, submit a second application and if/when that is refused, Appeal. At least that way you have a fall back option. Bear in mind Appeals can take around 4/6mths.

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Maybe get some pretty photo-montages done and see if you can get it sent to committee first?


I suggest also 6 months for householder appeal at least and bear in mind that the results are fairly capricious. It’ll probably take you a month or two to prepare the submission as well.

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Ask them to quote you the exact wording of the policy that limits the side extension to 3.1 metres.


While waiting for an answer have a walk around your area and find any side extension >3.1 metres that has been allowed and see if you can track down it's planning application.

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