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New Build Planning Frustrations

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Yes, we have already advised that this would be our course of action. Back at the parish planning committee today, we are hoping for a recommendation for approval as opposed to no objection from them, as they in some ways gate keep the subjective elements of local design. If they are satisfied then it all adds up. We have a lot of supporting comments on there now, probably a dozen or so. No further objections thus far during the re-consultation.

Edited by Havkey100
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2 hours ago, Dave Jones said:


they wont care means nothing to them. been there done that.


Exactly this. There is virtually no impact to the case officer if you do appeal.


What happens is that your appeal application goes into a 3m validation window, after which it usually takes between 6 and 9m for a decision to be taken.


The only impact I see is when the LPA has to respond to the appeal and its usually a templated response that can be thrown together in less than a day from their side. If you win, no skin off their nose but they can tell their superiors that they tried to fight it. Impact on your life on the other hand is almost up to a year of waiting.


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Indeed. We have a refurbed house almost ready to sell, but can't do that until we have planning in order to set boundaries etc... We have had good offers for the full site from us, but that is not why were are doing this.

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