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Permitted Development and covered area

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Have a look at this image please ... 




Does the covered area (highlighted) count towards the calculation of the '... total area of ground covered by building ... '

There's a bit of me that says - it is , and a bit of me that says it isn't. 


What do you think?

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From the planning portal……

The rules governing outbuildings apply to *sheds, greenhouses and garages as well as other ancillary garden buildings such as swimming pools, ponds, sauna cabins, kennels, enclosures (including tennis courts) and many other kinds of structure for a purpose incidental to the enjoyment of the dwelling house. This includes a container used for domestic heating oil or petroleum gas.


So I believe it is counted as “area covered by building….”


p.s. surprised me a tennis court was also counted 🤷‍♂️

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Any covered area attached to a garden building is included in the building floor area, I’m guessing this is to prevent 36sq/m garages having another covered space at the side.

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