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Custom build provides double the benefit to local economy / Short-term lets to be subject to planning permission

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35 minutes ago, Alan Ambrose said:

"The government said it also intends to introduce associated permitted development rights. One would allow for a property to be changed from a short-term let to a standard residential dwelling while the second would allow a property to be changed to a short-term let. "


So the article says you will need PP to use a property as a short term let, then says to do so will be permitted development.


This has to rank near the top of the most pointless waste of space bits of legislation ever?

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  • Custom and self-build development produces more than a doubling of the beneficial local economic impact of mainstream housing when labour and materials are viewed together. This is based on an analysis that tested a model against five areas with different rural/urban classifications and differing regions, providing a robust set of illustrative data. 
  • Data from Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs) demonstrated that CSB homes typically have reduced energy consumption of between 8-42 per cent lower and CO2 emissions of 7-43 per cent lower than typical new-build EPCs. The model draws on EPCs in the same five case study areas.



Obvious to us, but helpful that somebody else has noticed this. I'm not sure who NaCSBA are though - yet another 'industry organisation' with unclear objectives and ownership?




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1 minute ago, Alan Ambrose said:

Custom and self-build development produces more than a doubling of the beneficial local economic impact of mainstream housing

Is that because they are renting a local house, for years, while the build happens.

If you put a crew of builders permanently into a town for 5 years, rather than 8 months, the local economy would improve.

When it comes to productivity, self build is down there with Boots the Chemist i.e. takes 20 minutes to do a minutes work.

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