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Newbie S Wales


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Thanks Both, I have attached the plan's. We had to take out the rear vellux as we had a late objection..


I'm going for block and render. Hopefully underfloor heating and Solar panals on the rear elevation as it's south facing.


We were refused planning originally as the host dwelling was deemed not to have enough amenity space so we had to work with the local Authority and basically I've given a small wedge from my house and moved everything over a few meters. 


It's just under 12m by 6m so not very big and I'm hoping to build it for 140k A lot of the work preparing the slab and all landscaping will be done by my son and we are project managing it ourselves as have experience of building my son's house and we are friends with all trades.


Not sure if we are going to sell the house on completion or rent it out for 7 years until I reach retirement age. I already rent the house which garden it will be built in and it has gone really well.


7 Fairways revised layout.pdf

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Very nice. 


Might be best to post a de-identified version FWIW. 


Couple of questions.


Are the Velux's for a vaulted ceiling or light in the attic?


Will the attic be warm or cold?


Do you have any preference on build methods? 




Would you consider swapping the bi-folds for french doors. 

Better for noise, much better for draughts, better thermally and cheaper too. 




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