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Brownfield Development: a comparative perspective; the example of Berlin.


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 I have family who used to be involved in the development of industrial units in Berlin. I say 'used to' because we're all retired now. And my oh my could my company moan about Planning Department bureaucracy. I was there in the 1980s. 


Imagine then how I laughed to hear from several sources that Brownfield sites now take 10 to 14 years to develop, and about 14 months to build once all the bits of paper are in place. 


There's even regulation about how building drawings should be folded. And instances where the build was held up because of that issue.


So when I bumped into this Instagram video, I felt a real pang of nostalgia. Oh the delights of bureaucratic delay.




It's not NIMBYism. It's DancingOnTheHeadsOfPins.


No wonder German farmers are revolting. 

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2 hours ago, ToughButterCup said:

how building drawings should be folded. 

Quite right too. As for maps, they can either be easy to open at any point, or need to completely opened every time. And if folded properly, the title block is visible.

Might as well do things well when it's no more difficult.


I've been the contractor struggling to look at a drawing in bad weather.

I've been the consultant, doing mass folding, properly, for issue.

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I got told off by the BSI man who audited our quality assurance because I had used a blue pen when it should have been black. Something to do with photocopying, like back in the early 1970.


There has been a trailer for a radio show about government uselessness. 'some people sort the problem, others just restate the problem'

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Ah yes I vaguely remember my short spell in the drawing office during my apprenticeship and being taught the correct way to fold a blueprint.  This is when a drawing was drawn on an A0 board on film with pencil, stored flat in a plan chest and the blueprints were taken from that.


For our build, the only actual large scale prints, just came rolled up as they came off the printer.

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