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This weeks long read: How countries can go fossil fuel free with wind and solar superpowers


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6 hours ago, SteamyTea said:

the real problem is the general public, they just don't believe ...

Yes, but why the scepticism?  This is partly conservatism, that is with a small c, but an awful lot is because of the FUD propaganda in many sectors of the press and news.  OK this is partly klick-bait driven, but a lot is it is funded by fossil fuel money.

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46 minutes ago, TerryE said:

Yes, but why the scepticism?  This is partly conservatism, that is with a small c, but an awful lot is because of the FUD propaganda in many sectors of the press and news.  OK this is partly klick-bait driven, but a lot is it is funded by fossil fuel money.

Correct. E.g.


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17 hours ago, SteamyTea said:

It is safer to be pessimistic as if you are over optimistic then you have to invent Hopeium.

I would have thought that these 'old men' would be the ones to drive the transition.  They have the resources, the experience and they like to make a profit.

I think the real problem is the general public, they just don't believe that renewable energy is cheaper and does not take up all the farm land.


I have no doubt it "could" be cheaper, but we both know it wont be. Especially being linked to oil price. I may have missed it but i see no concrete proposal to change that. Nor will there be i suspect. Lots of money to be made under the current arrangement.



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On 28/10/2023 at 13:15, JohnMo said:

No we need better laws such as the one in Singapore - 'for the greater good', basically 'shut up, your feelings don't matter, we are doing it'. Because it provides more benefits to people or the environment, than just you.


A easy and noble position to take. Until they propose to put an actual pylon in your own garden. Ask me how i know..................................

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1 minute ago, Roger440 said:


A easy and noble position to take. Until they propose to put an actual pylon in your own garden. Ask me how i know..................................

My daughter and son in law ended up with a pylon very close to their house, almost immediately he started with strange fits and black outs, very scary to see. One day he collapsed taken to hospital and no fits or seizures but odd brain activity so stopped him driving etc.

fallout with neighbours lead to moving a few miles away, since moving he hasn’t had a single “glitch” as we called them. Daughter and kids were completely unaffected, just Lee for some reason.

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