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Estimate help


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So we have the first estimate through from builder no.1, awaiting estimate from builder no.2 and meeting builder no.3 hopefully this week.


My question is around the format and expectations of an estimate. The one we have is pretty much the same as the customer copy we got from estimators online and feels quite generic. Windows are all per sq m. Quite a few exclusions i.e lead canopy porch, log burner. I was hoping for a more detailed quote specific to our requirements i.e cost of bricks, windows, insulation- all we have provided exact requirements. 

I guess I feel it’s all quite generic so hard to understand the real cost. I want to be sure what should my expectations be? Am I expecting too much?

I guess when I have the next quote through it will be easier to compare what they send me.

Hopefully that makes sense..



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At the moment quotes are more like estimates 

and will be quite generic as most are derived from the same software 

All will be subject to material and labour increases 

Your looking around £2000 m2 to get a builder in Good finish reasonably straight forward build 


Edited by nod
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Thanks @nod I did wonder that, as you can’t really ever be that accurate as you would need to account for fluctuations in labour and material costs. This quote came in at £2081 m2 so I’m pretty happy with that. There are quite a few exclusions like demolition which I am sure I could ask him to give me a separate estimate for. We have certain materials we need to use as in a conservation area so I just want to be sure we are accounting for those extra expenses and costs won’t start to spiral.

I guess most builders use similar software so hopefully the next estimate will be similar format and won’t be too difficult to compare.

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Yes they do 

Whilst there will be increases or in some cases decreases to offset 

Your eventual choice will have to be quite specific on what they are charging for 

Breaking things down will take longer but protect you both 

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12 hours ago, SarahG said:

So we have the first estimate through from builder no.1, awaiting estimate from builder no.2 and meeting builder no.3 hopefully this week.


My question is around the format and expectations of an estimate. The one we have is pretty much the same as the customer copy we got from estimators online and feels quite generic. Windows are all per sq m. Quite a few exclusions i.e lead canopy porch, log burner. I was hoping for a more detailed quote specific to our requirements i.e cost of bricks, windows, insulation- all we have provided exact requirements. 

I guess I feel it’s all quite generic so hard to understand the real cost. I want to be sure what should my expectations be? Am I expecting too much?

I guess when I have the next quote through it will be easier to compare what they send me.

Hopefully that makes sense..




how much have you paid for the quote ?


Takes a lot of time to do a detailed quote, expecting it for free sours the job from the get go.

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On 09/05/2023 at 07:06, Dave Jones said:


how much have you paid for the quote ?


Takes a lot of time to do a detailed quote, expecting it for free sours the job from the get go.

That’s why I was asking on here what my expectations should be before I go back to the builder. We will work with what we have that’s no problem. 

Edited by SarahG
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If they all used the quantities that the original estimator provided, then the differences would be for their labour rates, their overheads and profit, and any risk they include.

Using the same bill of q, and faitly detailed drawings,  you might find 3 similar builders within 15%.


If you just provide them with planning drawings then they will include more approximations and that could be +/-20%.


As nod says, it is a lot of work doing a quote properly. The builder is staking their livelihood on getting it right.

If going to 3 builders that is fair.

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We have buildings reg sign off so the drawings are pretty detailed and (I think) our architect was very good and has given lots of details around specifications. We don’t have electrical plans and a few other bits which have been excluded from the quote. Now I think about it this probably makes it easier to compare.


I’ve been very honest with all three builders and I like them all. So it will be difficult to decide if all quotes are similar! One thing we are particular on is having a very good brickie, so would like to see some of their previous work. I’ve not asked that yet though. I’m keen to waste the least amount of their time as possible.

Edited by SarahG
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