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Exact visibility splays

Alan Ambrose

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I've searched around but can't find an answer to this - can/should visibility splays include the verges (as opposed to just the carriageway)?


The local examples I can see (e.g. below) exclude the verge - but I would like to include it for obvious reasons.


Visibility splay.jpg

Edited by Alan Ambrose
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10 hours ago, Alan Ambrose said:

can/should visibility splays include the verges


If you are sitting in your car ( eyes 4ftabove ground, and a bonnet distance back from the roadside) , how far can you see? The required distance both ways is based on speed limit and hence braking distance.


Includes trees hedges, walls, road signs and anything else that might stop you seeing an oncoming vehicle in time.

So verges are usually helpful in this.


If you still need guidance let me know.

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The only other issue I can think of is that the land in the visibility splay must normally be under your control or public land.  Under your control means you either own it or there is an agreement in place that the owner will keep it clear.

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