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What do you think about a window company using our house to market to other customers?


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I am sorry if this isn't the right place for this topic but I really hope to gain some opinions here.  We bought our windows back in October/November, they were fitted in December & our house, though far from finished, is now starting to look really nice (at least from the outside!).  I am really, really pleased with our windows and have remained in contact with the sales guy who is lovely & was very good to us.  Last week our sales guy came to see the windows in situ, & as a favour to him, I allowed him to bring a perspective customer.  Our sales guy took a few photos & has since shown them to his team, there is now wider interest in bringing more perspective customers to the house, I have no real objections to this, apart from perhaps questions around insurance (and possibly security), if anything were to happen, and I don't want the window company to take the micky and use our home like a sales office.  I also feel if our house is being used as a marketing tool, that maybe we should get something in return, but I don't know what is fair to ask, as even their sales people don't get commission.  Has anyone been in a similar position? If I agree to more people coming to look at the house should I get a contract/disclaimer or anything legal in place?  Do you think I should ask the company for anything in return and if so what is fair?  Or should I just say no to anymore people coming here?

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Say no, end off.


The predecessor of Buildhub was shut down because one member was using pictures of another members house in his marketing material, it all got very messy legally and morally.

And a quick internet search shows that a picture of the house, that was not built by the company, is still up.

Edited by SteamyTea
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It’s quite a common arrangement and yes you should be recompensed. You need to decide if you are willing to do it for some form of compensation and how much it needs to be to make it worthwhile and also how frequently you’ are what is a centimetre going to do it. We are building a Heb Home and have been to see three built houses and been shown around by the owners. It was really helpful for us. As far as I understand it they get £100 a go. 

First off you need to have a conversation with the sales guy to explain that you did it as a favour to him so no more visits until you’ve dealt with the points I made above. 

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6 hours ago, Shoestring said:

Do you think I should ask the company for anything in return and if so what is fair?


Put it this way, a posh mate of mine had all his roof lights done for free by probably "the" best known rooflight company. His house conversion is pretty swish. They came in and decorated/furnished the place and my mate moved out whilst the video crew did their thing. Sales video is on YouTube still I think. I'll see if I can find it


Me, I'd want something.

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I have also been in a position where a lady was kind enough to show me round her house.  I knocked on her door to ask her about her larch cladding and aluminium guttering, things I was considering.  There were quite a few similarities in aspects of her design to ours, and her tour was so invaluable, it really helped us with some of our detailing.  Above all though, it hugely influenced my buying decisions, so I know first hand how powerful a visit can be (and not everyone is so bold to go door knocking!) so I can see what a great 'ace up the sleeve' of the window company showing our house to customers might be.

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I try and keep in touch with all our customers, pictures of the property for marketing purposes is pretty standard within T&C's but I always ask out of politeness and if refused I honour their wishes. However, we do look to use our clients homes as a show home so to speak. We know that it is intrusive but we also know clients don't always mind showing potential clients around. It gives them a chance to talk about their home and offer bits of advice.


However, we don't expect it for free. So if the potential client signs up, we'll give that customer £250 as a thank you. We're honest about it and pay when they do sign up but if they don't, they get no monetary reward. 

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