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Conditions on material for new driveway for new build


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I am in the process of working out the best options for a driveway for a house build. The house build planning permission included a driveway, but one of conditions of the planning was that the council want me to submit a drawing with details of the material and gates etc before I do the drive and occupy the house. 
My questions is, is there a rule that for new builds I have to use tarmac for the drive to road surface? 
The chap who did my ground works says that it has to be tarmac but I’m thinking of gravel because it’s the cheaper option.

Any ideas are appreciated, thanks.

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9 minutes ago, Bullseye said:

I’m thinking of gravel because it’s the cheaper option.

Any ideas are appreciated, thanks.

Go with stone not gravel. Gravel moves the stone does not. The planners may want whatever you use permable so no water running off.

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May also depend where you live city or county, we have to have a lay-by arrangement at the entry so postman van can park of the road and the first 10m of drive from road edge tarred to road spec.  The rest has to SUDS compliant, so self draining.  We are on a slope so are having crushed stone with lime through it; so it sets into position, while being water permeable.

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The first section of drive I believe has to be non movable. 

IE a solid surface not stone, not gravel. 

I believe it is to stop loose stones being spread onto the road surface, dangerous for motorbikes and stuff. 

I don’t believe it has to be to any specific spec, just a sealed surface. 

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13 hours ago, Bullseye said:

My questions is, is there a rule that for new builds I have to use tarmac for the drive to road surface? 


Normally they want tarmac from the edge of the road to your boundary. At least that's what we were asked to provide. The rest of our is gravel.


Two disadvantages of gravel..


Leaf fall turns into compost in the gravel which grass grows on. I have to spray mine with weed killer.


If you have a heavy delivery on a pallet the driver may drop it at the kerb as his pallet truck doesn't work on gravel. I've gotten around this by laying down a sheet or two of 3/4" WBP which is usually strong and smooth enough for a pallet truck.  

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