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Large pane bifolds: Schuco ASS 70 FD.HD or Express Bifolds XP Vision?


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Does anybody have experience of or thoughts on either of these bifold door products please?


We have a 4200w x 2450h aperture - we'd like 3-pane bifolds for it and the options are a bit limited for the required pane size. I have the usual comparison spreadsheet running but would really appreciate hearing from anybody that owns or has experience of either product, or knows of another option. We've been through the sliding vs bifolds pros and cons in detail and are set on bifolds. Cheers.

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On 24/03/2022 at 16:04, JCB400 said:

we'd like 3-pane bifolds for it and the options are a bit limited

Very, you’re not getting a 3 leaf at that size. 4 yes but not 3, that’s 1.46 (slightly less when frames taken into acc) per sash.

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Have seen plenty Schuco stuff on commercial projects. Robust system, but the profiles can be bulky at times.. lots of frame, less glass. Express Bifolds.. same and the handles / locking / escutcheons they offer may not suit everyone.


Have a look at the Origin system. I have theirs, not without fault but generally a happy customer.

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Some advice from new bifold owner here.


We have a 4.6m X 2.6m opening and have five leaf doors.


The leaves are triple glazed and not far from the weight limit from the manufacturer.


The room is noticeably cooler than the rest of the house as the doors, even though they are pretty much the best on the market and cost more than our kitchen, perform nowhere near as well as a single pane.


Your limitation will be leaf weight limit, and that will mean you'll be getting the thinnest possible double glazed units. Having more glass to frame ratio, however, works to your favour. You'll either need to change to sliders or accept a poorer performing system.

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8 hours ago, Gus Potter said:

Robust system, but the profiles can be bulky at times.. lots of frame, less glass.

Really depends on the profile, they have sleek systems as well that don’t perform as well as a bulkier system.


Bulky is down to two things, the eye of the beholder and how it is detailed.

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Thanks for the replies all.


We elected to go for the Schuco ASS 70 FD.HD bifold in a 3-pane config - this is a newer large leaf version of the regular ASS 70.FD, which can take up to 150 kg / 1.5m wide / 3m high per leaf. We are within the weight limit for triple glazing and went for that. As Conor says, the higher glass to frame ratio is better as the U-value for the glass is better than the frame.


As you know, there are pros and cons to all options - 3-pane sliding, 3-pane bifold and 5-pane bifold. I'll report back with my thoughts when they are installed.

Edited by JCB400
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