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Laminate Floor Fit for a Tortoise


From a review of Wickes Laminate Flooring here:



I also didn't want something that was very 'flat' and slippery, it had to have some grip as I have tortoises which walk around. The Venezia has a wood grain feel about it and has enabled my pets to walk quite well on it....me too it my heels!!



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Yes the old slippery floor problem.


Here is one that sound very 'build hub'


" Yes, use the GE II Silicone caulk. You can use it to glue the vinyl on and also seal the joints.

Also, think about making your sides taller; 16-18". Russians are great climbers, and you want room for substrate, 4-6" as they love to burrow.
Or at least put a lip around the edge to keep him from climbing out!

Nice of you to take him in! This winter you can plan the outside enclosure! " Ref

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When I worked at a research establishment down in Cornwall, one of the young scientists in my team bought a Chilean Rose tarantula as a pet.  A few weeks after he got it home, it created an web ball and laid a few hundred eggs.  He soon had a few hundred tarantula spiderlings, and needed to find homes for them very quickly (they eat each other if they all stay in one tank).


I offered to take 8 of them, and quickly built a silicone-bonded glass tank, with 8 compartments, very fine mesh for the lid and temperature controls to keep them warm.  My other half was absolutely adamant that she was not having 8 tarantulas in the house, so I set the tank up in my office.  It became a bit of a feature, especially as I used to have boxes of live African crickets delivered to the Main Stores, and they got curious about both the labels on the boxes and the noise coming from them.


Unfortunately, we had an incident one night and 6 of the things escaped.  We never found them............

Edited by JSHarris
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1 hour ago, JSHarris said:



Unfortunately, we had an incident one night and 6 of the things escaped.  We never found them............

Yes but what happened to the tarantulas????

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2 minutes ago, JanetE said:

Yes but what happened to the tarantulas????


The two remaining ones grew to adults, pretty big, maybe 100mm or so leg span, able to kill and eat a small frog (we conducted an experiment, resulting from a bet..........).  The 6 that escaped may well have survived.  A couple of months later one of the cleaners said she'd seen an extremely large spider early one morning, which we sort of guessed may well have been one of the escaped tarantulas......................

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It was six that escaped, but their bite isn't usually fatal for humans, just bloody painful (I found out by accident - do not try to handle a male Chilean Rose just after it's moulted - it will be VERY teasy..................).


Luckily we were exempt from the H&S@WA at the time, so it was just viewed as a normal eccentricity from one of a bunch of pretty eccentric scientists.

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