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Mice in th ASHP


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Anyone else has this?

We managed to ger rid of the mice that came into the house through the hole for the ASHP pipes (not properly sealed). Then they started nesting in the actual ASHP itself. We evicted them and put rodent wire wool in the gaps but every night for the last two or three weeks the little sods have been coming back and tyring to get in.

I've reduced the quality of the video to be able to upload it.

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I don't have time to be "nice" with them, they are rodents, pest and cause damage.


Find a length of old drain pipe, lay it along the ground behind the ASHP and put a tray of rat poison in the middle of the drain pipe (the pipe is to stop larger animals getting at it)

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39 minutes ago, ProDave said:

I don't have time to be "nice" with them, they are rodents, pest and cause damage.


Find a length of old drain pipe, lay it along the ground behind the ASHP and put a tray of rat poison in the middle of the drain pipe (the pipe is to stop larger animals getting at it)


 Yes this one obviously got in before and keeps trying so I think he may have to go. I'm a bit wary of poison as we have had Wildcats wandering through and I would not want them eating a poisoned mouse.  Might have to use a snap trap or .22.

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