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Immersion Heater Meter?

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I've just been reading the "Essential Guide to Metering" (May 2018 version) and this mentions metering the immersion heater.  My immersion heater can be controlled by the heat pump or controlled independently.  Under these circumstances it looks as if I don't need to meter the immersion heater.  I don't have an immersion heater meter but the independent control capability was a retrofit modification so maybe I should have had.  What is the norm for recent installations that require metering of the heat pump? 

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I think the general consensus here is "don't use RHI" and then you don't need any metering at all.

Alternatively, if using RHI, work hard not to hit any of the conditions that require metering. (For me this meant delaying my application until we'd "moved back into" the renovation house, so I didn't trigger the "unoccupied for more the 180 days in last year" clause) 




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51 minutes ago, joth said:

I think the general consensus here is "don't use RHI" and then you don't need any metering at all.

Alternatively, if using RHI, work hard not to hit any of the conditions that require metering. (For me this meant delaying my application until we'd "moved back into" the renovation house, so I didn't trigger the "unoccupied for more the 180 days in last year" clause) 




Metering for payment is not usually needed, just add a £30 meter on the supply for the ASHP if meters aren’t built in to the selected product.


Don't use RHI? And pass up on like £12k??

Edited by J1mbo
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Perhaps I did not make myself clear?  My ASHP was installed a year ago.  I did use the RHI.  Therefore I do have a meter measuring the electricity drawn by my heat pump (because it's now a requirement of the RHI even though I can ignore the readings if I wish).  But the immersion heater in my DHW cylinder has its own circuit and is not metered.  Then I read:



Metering is required to record and display electrical input into all of the following:
 electricity used by the heat pump to generate heat.
 electricity used by any supplementary heaters for space heating (SH) which are controlled by the same control system as the heat pump.
electricity used by any immersion heaters for domestic hot water (DWH), which are controlled by the same control system as the heat pump.  


Circumstances where your plant doesn’t require additional electricity meters include:
 If you have a supplementary heater or an immersion heater, which is integrated within the heat pump.
If you have a supplementary heater or an immersion heater which can be controlled separately to the heat pump.


When my heat pump was first installed it had full control of the immersion heater and I had to get that rewired so I could also control the immersion heater independently (if the heat pump was not working, for example).  But it looks as if had I not done that then my installed omitted to put a meter on the immersion heater circuit.  Or am I wrong?  

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I do  I have a meter connected to just the heat pump and a second meter connected to the entire system. Take one from the other and you get the electricity used by the circulation pumps, valves, Sunamp heat batteries and the heater in one of the batteries (effectively an immersion heater). As the pumps etc don't use much electricity it gives a fairly good estimate of how much the heater uses.

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Don't know anything about the RHI but I've installed a few DIN rail meters for my own knowledge and information about the energy I use. Have them on hot water, space heating and general electricity. Will add one for car when we go electric. It does give some fascinating info. Hot water is constant all year (thought it would be slightly more in winter as mains water might be colder but it's not) but increased when I took up running and had more showers and then reduced when I gave it up. It's just over 10% of all electricity used. General electricity usage has gone up 5.3% of overall since covid and working from home. Heating takes up 45.3% of all electricity even if it's only a few months per year. Heating actually dropped a tiny bit since covid began. 


Pointless info yet interesting.


Similar to these but paid £7:50 ish each


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