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Cutting 800mm tiles


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May have some 800mm tiles that'll I need to cut. Contemplating buying a tile cutter for it but probably only got 10-15 cuts, so wondered if I could get away with an angle grinder and diamond blade or will it look crap?

Any tips or recommendations on a tile cutter would massively  be appreciated.


Maybe something like this? https://www.screwfix.com/p/makita-cc301dwae-12v-2-0ah-li-ion-cxt-cordless-glass-tile-cutter/527fg





Edited by Vijay
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1 hour ago, nod said:

A 4” angle grinder will do the same job 

You can always clamp a straight edge on 


That would be brilliant guys. So would you just run the blade down/along the clamped straight edge or is there an attachment? (don't think it would be too difficult to make one up if need be)


Very quick google search - https://www.northantstools.co.uk/product/montolit-tutorcut-universal-guide-for-angle-grinders?gclid=CjwKCAjw7--KBhAMEiwAxfpkWBiQk_OWQNK_Z2oKsMoc4_deQjQiyA2cIE0XTqkqWoXdUkXv0aYzMxoCWvUQAvD_BwE


Or https://www.diynot.com/diy/threads/heres-a-cheap-but-very-effective-method-of-cutting-large-tiles-for-e-g-envelope-cut-showers.537430/

Edited by Vijay
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Doesn’t need to be anything fancy, I use a piece of ply or timber (I do have a big sliding tile saw but the grinder is much more convenient for a few cuts).

dont scrimp on the blades tho, cheap ones often run out of true and chip edges much easier

Edited by markc
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