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Repairing a rotting fence post tips


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As per the title, help! Slightly rotting fence post which is quite loose, any tips on repairing rather than replacing (it is in a really awkward position to replace)? Pic attached. 
Anyone used post buddy? https://postbuddysystem.co.uk


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You can use a wooden "Godfather post" or a concrete "Fence Post Repair Spur" - 1.2m metre concrete post with boltholes ?.


If there is a hunk of concrete in the ground you get 400mm or so of fence post and use it as a spacer so the Repair Spur is say 100mm away and use long bolts through all 3 elements to miss the concrete in the ground with the repair spur.


Alternatively you can try and put the new one in the same hole like this:





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